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Thread: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

  1. #1

    feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    Hi I have had a feeling of something stuck in my throat for about two weeks now. Its not there when I wake up in the morning and starts after I have eaten. Sometimes its there all day after and sometimes it comes and goes!!! Does anyone know what this could be?? xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    I get this quite often. It just seems to appear all of a sudden and then can't stop thinking about it and its like it is very difficult to swallow. My gp and therpist have assured its all to do with anxiety. When you become anxious the throat muscles tighten so it feels like u have a lump in your throat.
    If you look on left hand side at symptoms it explains it more. I have printed this off so carry round and when get this read through symptoms and goes away.

    Take care

    Tink xxx

  3. #3

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    Thanks for the reply will look it up! Im trying not to think about it too much but its still there!! Had anxiety for a while and this is a new symptom for me.xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    So many people on here have suffered with it! It's called Globus Hystericus. Feels like something's stuck in your throat.... often only on one side - horrid feeling and TOTALLY caused by anxiety or reflux.... poor you, I hate it!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    This is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety - it feels awful but thankfully it goes away again. I ended up in A&E because of it (one of the two times I've actually gone there because of anxiety-related symptoms) and I literally felt like I was going to choke/suffocate/vomit, constantly. I'd go to bed with it in the evening and wake up with it in the morning. After I found out it was anxiety it only took a little while to disappear, so just hang on in there!

  6. #6

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    Wow, that's exactly the symptoms I have, a feeling that something is stuck on the left side, it went away and came back and has been there for a week. I saw my GP who was next to useless and said there is nothing there after an examination but no tube down throat although if still there in 3 weeks I should go back!

    I've been worried and quite stressed and found it odd why it was OK after sleeping but came back again as soon as I thought about it.

    Does none think this my be it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    We have a whole sub-forum dedicated to it as it is so common

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: feeling like something is stuck in my throat

    Oh god the amount of times i've panicked about this. I went to the doctor telling him i had pasta stuck in my throat lol, turned out it was anxiety Globas ...something.
    This was the first stage of my anxiety and i thought i was going to choke with it, but deep breathing really does help.

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