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Thread: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

  1. #1

    Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    Morning all

    Would really appreciate to hear from someone with similar experiances and some good advice !

    I having been coping reasonablly well with intrusive thoughts/anxiety until recently.

    I seem to have become intensly aware of an urge to hit someone, initially I ignored it and thought it would pass .. but over the last week I have become intensly aware of it and the more aware I have become the worse it seems to get .. and in particular around my partner and children .. which is very very distressing

    I keep telling myself it will pass but it's constantly on my mind and I seem to be locked in the 'zone'

    I know fear drives it .. but I feel scared that this is the start of something that I can't get myself out of .. that I willl not be able to forget or get over it if that makes sense ?

    I have been under a lot of work/financial stress recently .. maybe this has triggered things off .. but this stress has eased but I am still feeling worried..

    I am having a bit of an internal battle to stay off medication .. when I am 'myself' I feel I can cope .. can see the light etc, but when it get's like this I struggle and cry out for meds ..

    Would really appreciate some advice or words of wisdom to help me ....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    Hi there ,
    I have these urges you talk about they are pretty common with OCD, its your brain sending you a false signal & simply if you dont want to act on the urge or thoughts then you wont & seeing as it distresses you it sounds asif its the last thing you'd do.
    The more you focus on it the more it will distress you, if im sitting next to someone sometimes i have the urge to just punch them in the face and i feel like i have to almost sit on my hand but if someone really wanted to punch someone in the face would they sit on their hand? the more you panic the more it reinforces that fear because the panic will make you feel like a dangerous person.
    Have you tried ERP for this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    It's just your dark side winding you up. Try not to look upon the thoughts as urges. Better if you call them suggestions from the dark side. It's easier to say no to a suggestion, not so easy to explain to folks why you handcuffed yourself to a radiator
    Least said, soonest mended

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    Better if you call them suggestions from the dark side. It's easier to say no to a suggestion,.....

    I love the way you put this and you have just made me laugh out loud for the first time today.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    I often want to punch several people in the face and I would consider myself a normally placid person. I think it's more common than you think but most of us don't act on it. Please don't give into the urge, however strong it is.
    And yes, great line from William

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    Seriously though folks, and I hope that this doesnt trigger anyone. We all have a dark side, I would'nt say dark half, because our good side is much much bigger and stronger than the dark side, if you know what I mean. When we are depressed and anxious though, the dark side starts throwing these random, intrusive thoughts at us, and we have to be ready to fight them off with everything we haveit's what we do...
    Least said, soonest mended

  7. #7

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    hey long time since i posted on here guess my anxiety is trying to play up a little bit again lol, i really had the worst intrusive thoughts, they got so bad i had to take myself away from my loved ones because i worried if i would act upon the thoughts, i didnt! the very fact i was scared of hurting them show's i didnt really want to hurt them i knocked myself out on valuim one day just to make them go away.. but u have to remember a thought can't hurt you thats generally why people say its just a thought......u need to start making urself believe u have anxiety as hard as it is make ur brain believe it..when ur feeling intrusive go for a walk take the focus away by doing something else and well the very fact u havent punched anyone yet is a good sign haha good luck amigo hehe

    simone xXx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Flashing urge to hit someone - is this anxiety ??

    defo anxiety!!!! had this load s of times....and i hate violence!!! look at ocd pure o harming thoughts u may have a bit off that going on hun , i have harm ocd does my nutt in !! x

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