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Thread: Very bad wind pains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Very bad wind pains

    I was just talking to a friend of mine and she has me worried, she is saying maybe ive gallbladder problems, thanks I thought

    I have always been windy, I get alot of trapped wind and sometimes have bouts of very trapped wind where it hurts so bad in my chest/back and I have to have my back rubbed, can go on for hours then once ive burped it all up its gone and im fine but then the next day its back, usually at night. Its my 5th night of it tonight its so painful at times that I struggle to breath, I can feel the wind all in my chest, its mainly over my left side.

    I don't have any stomach pain or anything its just like alot of acid high up, not heartburn though.

    I had a bad bout of this last yr and GP just said its the way I am and its just excessive acid from the stomach. It all kicked off this time after a curry my hubby cooked on valentines night, it wasn't very spicy but he said he added alot of spices, an hour later i was riddled in pain where I needed him to rub my back to release it.

    Can anyone reassure me it doesn't sound like gall bladder problems? does anyone else suffer? I have always been a windy person like this, I had a York allergy test done last year which showed I had an allergy to wheat but my GP said they are not reliable so not to cut it out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Hello Aimee

    It sounds to me as if you may have a small Hiatus Hernia, rather than gallbladder problems. Gallbladder problems are felt on the right hand side, not the left, so please don't worry about that.

    A Hiatus Hernia can cause all these symptoms you are experiencing, which are frightening but not serious at all. In fact this condition can be managed successfully by altering your diet. It also may be an idea to try a course of H2 Receptors (Zantac) as they will calm things down in the stomach and offer some relief.

    Hope this helps a wee bit.

    I know you're in there..... I can hear you caring!

  3. #3

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Hi Aimee

    I think House is right when he mentions is could be a small Hiatus Hernia. I have a Hiatus Hernia and get the same symptoms as you apart from I get chronic heartburn too. I was prescribed Lansoprazole (not sure if they are the same as Zantac) and it has really helped me.

    Hope you feel better soon xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains


    Thanks, so what is that? nothing serious? what causes it? I don't want to do a google;-)

    I am seeing my GP friday for my regular iron prescription so shall be asking him about the pains I am getting.

    I am taking Tums or gaviscon, it came on suddenly saturday night after I ate a curry made by my husband but I often eat spicy food and have no problems. I have suffered this type of wind alot in the past, probably since i was 5 yrs old, I am now almost 30.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Forgot to say last year I had alot of blood tests done, GP said I had IBS in the end.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    I have had a hiatus hernia since I was pregnant 28 yrs ago! as I had a large breech baby and his head was pushing my stomach somewhere up round my voice box and this weakened the valve at the top of your stomach. If the valve gets weak for any reason and things like coffee, chocolate, alcohol and smoking and spicy or herby meals can all make it relax more and let the stomach acid come up into your oesophagus which isn't designed to have acid in it and it burns.

    I got terrible acid reflux and about 18 yrs ago went onto a H2 inhibitor called pepcid that is same as zantac. The newer more powerful drugs are called proton pump inhibitors and they stop you producing any stomach acid and are very good for curing heartburn but can have side effects so I would start on the much gentler older ones like zantac which you can buy in a chemist. If you find they work then don't just keep taking them do and tell your Dr who should send you for a gastroscopy to confirm and then you can get them on prescritpion.

    hiatus hernia is annoying and painful but not life threatening - although it is best not to have burning of the foodpipe for many eyars as that can cause problems in a few people.

    When my hiatus hernia is playing up - I cannot drink to much fluid at once especially on an empty stomach - I burp terribly and this is what brings the acid up so the burping can be sign of hiatus hernia trouble,.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    I did a read and tbh it doesn't really sound like me, I don't have heartburn or sickness or anything like that.

    I shall see what the GP says, thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Its still here today, soon as I sit slouched on the sofa it hits:-(

    Seeing GP tomorrow, wondering what it could be causing it, its 6 days of it now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Hi Aimee. Please don't worry aboutyour trapped wind, I have had it since I was a teenager and I am 65 now. In fact I have a bout of it now and I have had it for over a week. It is usually in my back and upper chest and sometimes makes it difficult to breathe. I still have no idea what causes it. I try to think back to what I have eaten but can never say definitely what causes it. Many years ago it was so bad that I went to the hospital and they x rayed me and said that they could see the wind on the x ray and that it would go away. When I get this trapped wind, it can go on for weeks before it disappears. I get Boots' trapped wind tablets when it is bad, but it just seems to move it for a while and it is back with a vengeance the next day. Just try to accept it for what it is - they wouldn't make tablets for the complaint unless it was very common. Happy burping

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Very bad wind pains

    Thanks, thats a reassuring reply.

    I wasn't that worried about it, if at all really until someone suggested gall stones etc... lol!

    I have suffered all my life at some point with this and on a day to day basis I am usually very windy anyway, lol!

    Its trapped up on left side of chest, left shoulder blade and when it hits badly its like a stabbing pain, I have to clutch my heart area and its hard to breath until its released through burping, sound similar?

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