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Thread: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

  1. #1

    Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    Hi again,

    thanks to all you lovely people for replying to other questions i have postted!

    i had upper back pain, went to the docs and was told it was muscular - he checked m breathing - had to breathe in and out a few times whilst he checked front and back.

    i am scared i have lung cancer though. the pain is in my mid back - just to the left of where the bottom of my bra strap is.

    when i ate this afternoon (toast), the pain came back and also when i twist it hurts too, but now i am taking a deep breath, i am now aware of it, but is this my mind making it do this?!

    i popped to the pharmacy and she said she had no idea, other than muscular or my lungs, so of course i'm in panic mode now - daren't google in case it comes up!

    would lung cancer give me pain in my back? i can't concentrate and am snapping at my poor kids - i feel so mean but don't know what to do!

    please help me xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    My GP told me that she can diagnose lung cancer quite easily without many tests and is rarely wrong so I expect if the doc listened to your chest then he would have a good idea if it was that.

    It wasn't.

    Sounds to me like indigestion/acid reflux

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    Hye Piggy59 - have you suffered from this rotten cold virus that has been doing the rounds?

    I have had exactly what you describe pain around the bra line (even thought I had eaten too many mince pies at Xmas and I needed a bigger bra!!!)

    I have also had a rib pain on mid left hand side.

    Neither of them are there all the time just sporadic.

    I am kinda thinking it is either just a post viral thing or indigestion from being anxious.

    I keep sending myself into a tail spin over it though which then gives me a huge stress headache (which then makes me worry about other horrible illnesses)!

    I am going to do some steam inhalation tonight and also I am going to have a simple diet (not too much fat etc) for the next few days to see if anything eases it - in the meantime, I shall take some paracetomol and try not to worry - hope you can do the same.

  4. #4

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    i too get dreadful stress headaches and doc ran some bloods but were ok but u tend to know anyway they are stress related.

    i get back pain in upper back too, shoulders and neck! all stress induced!

    is your back pain on the right exactly where mine is? i know you said is was sporadic (mine is) but does it happen sometimes when you eat?

    hayley x

  5. #5

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry


    yes i have had virus but it was after i had it!

    i too get dreadful stress headaches and doc ran some bloods but were ok but u tend to know anyway they are stress related.

    i get back pain in upper back too, shoulders and neck! all stress induced!

    is your back pain on the right exactly where mine is? i know you said is was sporadic (mine is) but does it happen sometimes when you eat?

    hayley x

  6. #6

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    Hi there

    I have been through it too - chest pain (heart), back-pain and ex smoker (must be lung cancer), HIV for any number of reasons and my latest one, a throat infection which 2 doctors have diagnosed (must be throat cancer - Michael Douglas has it).

    Point I am making hun is that we are "tuned-in" to every little thing, every ache, every pain and by all the information that is bombed at us.

    Please know that if you have seen a Dr, they have had 10 years plus of training and know what to look for. That's what I keep telling myself, even though I think they must have missed something.

    I have had this for more than 15 years, am on meds for it, and you just have to learn to try and manage it.

    All the best


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    Hi piggy59, I suffer from a prob with my back and have all those back pains you describe. It's definitely muscular. Simple pilates stretches/breathing can help a great deal. Take care x
    I &:-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    I too have been going through a lung cancer scare recently. I have posted several times and finally went to the Dr today and told him about it. I told him that for a few weeks now I have been having pain mid back, to one side. That pain is felt when I take a deep breath, especially if I am hunched over or trying to touch my toes while doing this. He is aware of my history of anxiety. He listened to my chest and told me that it was muscular. I mostly believe him but I still worry. I figure there is no reason for him to not send me for at least an xray if he was worried at all. I hope this helps and I hope we all find relief. Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lung Cancer Fear Mid Back Pain - out of my mind with worry

    Hi hayley

    Yes, the pain happens when eating, or just after - but you know what I really do think that it is anxiety induced that part of it - don't you?


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