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Thread: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

  1. #11

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Well, with very similar symptoms as most of you, my mind is in the throes of fighting off all the worst case scenarios it can fathom... and google'ing doesn't help (actually, its possibly the worst thing a worry-wort like me could do).

    Right now, with a "sensation" in my throat for the last 6 weeks, I've been prescribed Famotidine (Pepcid?) for possible GERD, and Prednisolone (?) for some swollen sinuses. Its been 5 days and [thankfully] I feel marginally better. But those five days and nights were absolutely brutal on my psyche.

    Still, I'm pressing my Doctor for a scoping with an ENT... and bracing myself for a finding/bad news.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Try not to worry, it is such a common symptom of anxiety , if you just look over previous threads on this issue you will see. I have had a funny throat thing going on since June , it comes and goes. I have to clear my throat a lot and get hoarse like i have been shouting only i haven't. Dr says it is anxiety, i, like a previous poster have a thyroid problem so it could be this causing the discomfort but who knows. It is very annoying i agree but i am sure it is nothing sinister - please try to believe that - have faith in yourself and in your life to be well - life doesn't always have to turn out bad.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Quote Originally Posted by elitest View Post
    I have been suffering from a feeling of something stuck in my throat for several months now, accompanied now for last week or so by the glands under my chin being slightly sore and a certain amount of soreness in throat and hoarseness when I try to speak for long. I am told by GP this is 99% likely to be anxiety ( the globus that is ).I then saw ENT consultant who looked down throat with mirror and said looked ok, I am seeing him again monday and asking him to do nasal camera ( no general anaesthetic)to look down throat, he wants to do full camera down throat to put my mind at ease but I am scared of another general anaesthetic. I have recently been diagnosed with chronic acid reflux which I had no idea I had and the anxiety over that may well be what sparked this off but I am so scared I have throat cancer........the throat thing isnt there when I wake up in the morning until of course I think about it then it starts up, its really horrible.....does anyone else have this combination ?
    Hello I'm suffering from all of this at mo,the hoarsenss is really bad,are you better now?? Annie

  4. #14

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Quote Originally Posted by elitest View Post
    I have been suffering from a feeling of something stuck in my throat for several months now, accompanied now for last week or so by the glands under my chin being slightly sore and a certain amount of soreness in throat and hoarseness when I try to speak for long. I am told by GP this is 99% likely to be anxiety ( the globus that is ).I then saw ENT consultant who looked down throat with mirror and said looked ok, I am seeing him again monday and asking him to do nasal camera ( no general anaesthetic)to look down throat, he wants to do full camera down throat to put my mind at ease but I am scared of another general anaesthetic. I have recently been diagnosed with chronic acid reflux which I had no idea I had and the anxiety over that may well be what sparked this off but I am so scared I have throat cancer........the throat thing isnt there when I wake up in the morning until of course I think about it then it starts up, its really horrible.....does anyone else have this combination ?
    Hi Elitest...I was wondering how you are doing?

    I also have had a lump in the throat sensation for 3 months now...I've had 8 visits do the Doc and am facing ENT next Tuesday. I have had the feeling of a lump in the throat (smooth), the feeling of an object stuck in throat (not smooth), hoarsness (well..more rough sounding voice) and the occasional headache and referred pain around my neck/jaw etc. I should point out that like you, my symptoms are not there on a morning but creep in when I get out of bed, start talking, eating, drinking etc. The doctor says I have either reflux or globus (or maybe both) but alas the Lansaprazole doesn't seem to be doing much (not that I was aware of any heartburn but I know that doesn't always make itself known)

    I'm in a right panic but wondered whether these sound familiar to you or anyone???? Does anyone have any idea what Globus is all about...does it link up with Reflux? What is the referred pain/headaches? How long might all this last? I've had this for 3 months...been on Lasaprazole for 2 months and I don't feel much further forward.

    Can anyone help me?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Hi I have all of this - started a week ago :( been coming off my meds for about 6 months, just reduced the dose then had a bout of illness, two lots of sinusitis and a cough that would not leave. Last week, felt a bit anxious/stressed, throat started to get sore, constricted and lump in throat returned. I now wake up, throat OK, no lump, as day progresses and i talk my throat gets sore, my ears aches, my neck aches, feel like i need to clear my throat as it is clogged up. When i eat and drink feels fine, when I don't think about it seems fine.
    Problem is I am singer in band, we should have been recording last week and i need to record vocals and sing live - i don't have control of voice - panic - vicious circle. You are not alone and neither am I. I am now increasing my dose of citalopram and may even have to resort to some diazepam to help relax the muscles initially.
    Take care

    This too will pass

  6. #16

    Unhappy Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Quote Originally Posted by elitest View Post
    I have been suffering from a feeling of something stuck in my throat for several months now, accompanied now for last week or so by the glands under my chin being slightly sore and a certain amount of soreness in throat and hoarseness when I try to speak for long. I am told by GP this is 99% likely to be anxiety ( the globus that is ).I then saw ENT consultant who looked down throat with mirror and said looked ok, I am seeing him again monday and asking him to do nasal camera ( no general anaesthetic)to look down throat, he wants to do full camera down throat to put my mind at ease but I am scared of another general anaesthetic. I have recently been diagnosed with chronic acid reflux which I had no idea I had and the anxiety over that may well be what sparked this off but I am so scared I have throat cancer........the throat thing isnt there when I wake up in the morning until of course I think about it then it starts up, its really horrible.....does anyone else have this combination ?
    i am experiencing the exact same symtoms as you are and have been struggling for 2 months now, i find it hard to eat without me worrying thati am going to choke..its all anxiety the doctors keep saying and have beenperscribed with strss tablets to help with the anxietyi have also been given tablets for acid reflux but nothing seems to be helping, its really quite worrying..i have now started to experience what i belive to be swollan glands under my chin and is really painful and struggling to swollow, being only 17 years of age im finding it hard to cope, i think im going to see the doctor and try to have one of them cameras down my throat just so i can be at ease..quite worrying though :S

  7. #17

    Re: swollen glands under chin , globus and hoarseness

    Quote Originally Posted by elitest View Post
    I have been suffering from a feeling of something stuck in my throat for several months now, accompanied now for last week or so by the glands under my chin being slightly sore and a certain amount of soreness in throat and hoarseness when I try to speak for long. I am told by GP this is 99% likely to be anxiety ( the globus that is ).I then saw ENT consultant who looked down throat with mirror and said looked ok, I am seeing him again monday and asking him to do nasal camera ( no general anaesthetic)to look down throat, he wants to do full camera down throat to put my mind at ease but I am scared of another general anaesthetic. I have recently been diagnosed with chronic acid reflux which I had no idea I had and the anxiety over that may well be what sparked this off but I am so scared I have throat cancer........the throat thing isnt there when I wake up in the morning until of course I think about it then it starts up, its really horrible.....does anyone else have this combination ?
    I have had the same feelings you are having for goin on 8 wks now,and i no its really scary! i have had a course of antibiotics,an i still feel the same,raw throat horse voice swollen glands,can i just add that i have suffered from anxity since i was 20 yrs old,i am now 42,and it can give you all kinds off wierd feelings,scary ones at that! i have been worried that i have throat cancer also,your not on your own,i hope this helps an will keep you posted of my progress,hope you feel better soon pam.....

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