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Thread: Need to clear throat/cough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Need to clear throat/cough

    I have this constant feeling of needing to clear my throat or cough - but clearing my throat doesnt get rid of the feeling... and coughing is nigh on impossible cause there's nothing to cough up!

    Does anyone else get this? Cause its doing my head in! And im burping a lot as well :-S

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough


    I have this at high times of anxiety or if im nervous. I have had this problem since a teenager. Try not to worry, i would bet its a nervous/anxiety thing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    Yes yes yes! With me it's a really weird feeling, a kind of tickle or something........ like tight muscles in the chest are causing some nerve to be stimulated. I feel like I need to cough, but when I do consiously cough it's really unstatisfying because there is nothing there. Usually I just clear my throat but that doesn't help either....

    Can you describe the feeling more? I want to know if you get the same as me!! xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    It actually feels like i should be able to reach into my throat and pull out the thing that is blocking it!

    Usually comes in tandem with a numbness in that side of my face, or a blocked ear - i thought these were real symptoms until without warning they switched from the left hand side to the right hand side of my face!

  5. #5

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    I have had this come and go over many years.
    Its definately anxiety related as when I am really
    calm if I had the symptoms not a few minutes before
    they just go.

    Things I have found that can increase the feelings
    are to much dairy products like milk or cheese. I
    also find when I am anxious that I sometimes feel
    I have a tiny amount of water sitting at the back of
    my throat and this sensation to will go as I become
    relaxed once more.

    Dont know if any of the above matches with you
    but I hope it helps

  6. #6

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo2316 View Post
    Yes yes yes! With me it's a really weird feeling, a kind of tickle or something........ like tight muscles in the chest are causing some nerve to be stimulated. I feel like I need to cough, but when I do consiously cough it's really unstatisfying because there is nothing there. Usually I just clear my throat but that doesn't help either....

    Can you describe the feeling more? I want to know if you get the same as me!! xx
    Oh my goodness...I am so pleasede that I have found this thread!!! This is exactly what I have on the right side of my throat/chest and it is driving me feels exactly like is very frustrating as feels like coughing should clear the sensation but it doesn't. It also sometimes feels like perhaps a sinus is blocked in that side of my face...but the cough/tickle is just so annoying!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    Hi everyone

    I have the answer!! I posted it last week when the dr put me out of my misery!

    Its stomach acid coming up the throat and causing a feeling l ike somethin dripping down the back of your nose!! ever notice that you burp more and or feel a burny feeling in chest as well? it kind of feels like blocked nose and sinus stuff too but its stomach acid. Its same as GERD but its called something wierd like water brash or something - i didnt want to ask dr to repeat it so i couldnt google it! She said some people actually cough with it, espesically at night, it seems like the thing at the back of the mouth /throat feelin g is something to do with drinking liquid and it meeting the acid coming up your throat. She gave me omeparazole for it.

    Loads of people seem to get it. Girl in my office has it and so does my dad too.

    Hope that helps!


  8. #8

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    Hi, I think I have the same thing and it's really annoying. I don't know whether it's stress related or what makes it worse but my symptoms are as follows:
    tickle at the back of the throat and it feels like I need to cough but it feels like I can't shift it. I thought it might be asthma because when I breath out it feels like my chest is "bubbling". Occasionally when I cough it feels like something has shifted and I can breath better but this is only for a short time.

    Sometimes when I sneeze I can hear a wheezing sound afterwards. I have been to doctors and they have said they don't think it's asthma because they can't hear any pops or clicks in my lungs. They have tried treating me for acid reflux but I didn't feel any different. They also gave me medication for anxiety but this also didn't rectify the problem.

    I am now 30 years old and I have had this for years. I have kind of gotten used to it but it does get me down. I am very active and I enjoy running but I feel I can't reach my fitness potential because of this ailment.

    Any advice or tips would be wonderful. I would like to try natural remedies if possible. I've been looking into Buteyko therapy but it hasn't seemed to work for me so far. I don't know how long you're supposed to do it before you get results but I tried a few weeks.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    post nasal drip is mucus that drips down onto your chest but is difficult to clear. I have this... maybe you do too?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Need to clear throat/cough

    I used to have this all the time, for me it's one of the first symptoms of an acute phase of anxiety to show up and one of the last to go. I hated it. I used to swallow lots of air too which made me gulp, then I'd need to burp of course, I'd end up bloated, and I'd probably then have to cough and clear my throat, which of course then necessitated the cycle starting all over again. Course all that swallowing also annoyed my stomach and I'd have lots of acid coming up which would then lead onto other issues. Bah.

    As others have pointed out the connection with acid and post nasal drip etc and they're all valid, but the underlying cause is anxiety and it's one of those symptoms I hated.

    Have a hug!

    I'll try not to burp.

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