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Thread: Phlegm is making me sick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Phlegm is making me sick

    I've had a problem with phlegm for the past 2 years ever since i had a really bad cold, it makes me retch most mornings and although is horrible i've gotten used to it now. I cough it up into a tissue pretty much all day because i'm so scared of swallowing it because that makes me sick.

    However, now i have bronchitus (although i'm feeling much better now), last night i was trying to cough up phlegm and there was alot, (sorry it's discusting), i couldn't get it up so i was trying to "suck" it out, it was coming from below though if that makes sense and not from my sinuses, it felt really horrible and i panicked loads, then i was sick.
    It's happend last year when i had a really bad cold too, i'm really frightend now though and everytime i feel phlegm in my throat (which is pretty much constant) i have another panic attack.

    Am i alone in this or has it happend to anyone else too?

    Hoping for reassurence xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    Quite a few years ago i also had this problem first thing in the morning with post nasal drip - the gunk would collect in bottom of my throat and make me feel as if I coulnd't breathe and sick and on a couple of occasions I would make myself sick and it would all be frothy white gunk (TMI!) but its just your bodies way of getting rid of it instead of it being in your lungs. As long as you are couging it up that a good sign!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    It's just happend again, twice. I'm shaking so much, i have an extreme case of emetophobia, so much so that i've had an eating disorder for the past 8 years because ive been so scared of eating and getting sick, so this really isn't helping.
    my throat feels like it's burning and stinging, i dont know if thats normal?
    It was brown and abit frothy (sorry!) so sounds abit like what you were saying countrygirl.
    It was the same again, i was coughing up loads of phlegm and then it all got stuck again and then i threw up twice. i'm so panicky, i can't bear it happening again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    Add sanother 3 to that and its not over yet. im shaking uncontrolably, i dont know what rto do, i cant get it all out my system

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    Hi there,
    Sorry you are feeling so down. I have replied to you before regarding the blood in your phlegm when you first came down with bronchitis. I had this soon after Christmas and was given antibiotics which did help, but only after I had finished the course! The phlegm was the worst part for me and made me feel sick too! I did a bit of research and found out about a non addictive saline nasal mist which I have been using regularly as I suffer quite a bit with sinus issues anyway. The saline spray acts on the mucus in your nasal passages and thins it down making it easier for it to be expelled. By using this regulary, I hardly ever get a congested nose or that feeling that you want to be sick with the accumulation of mucus in your throat. Giving up dairy products have also helped.
    I am sure you will soon feel better. Just give yourself some time and take it easy.
    Love Nikki. :-) x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    Hi Nikki,
    Thank you for replying and for my inbox message, sorry i didnt reply, i was too scared given the subject.
    I told my doctor about the blood but she didn't seem concerned, she didnt give me any medication and told me not to take sudafed because it will make me feel more congested in the long run.
    this being sick is new though. I was in the bathroom till 5am. I'm sending my other half to the chemist, hoping they can give me something.

    I'm drinking alot of tea this morning as i read it helps ease the phlegm. I'm just dreading another long day and night of being sick again.

    My boyfriend googled bronchitus and apparently when you start to be sick that means its your body clearing out all the mucus from your lungs and that your nearing the end of the illness, but the colour of my sick means it's a bacterial infection, so i dont know if i need antibiotics or if i can just let it run it's course now?
    I'm hardly coughing at all now, if it wasnt for being sick i'd feel nearly back to normal.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    thats good to know. ive had a chest infection for almost a month now. I finished my antibiotics a weeks ago for a sinus infection and post nasal drip which was lying heavy on my chest and giving me an uncontrollable and constant cough. My cough has almost completely disappeared now but I find it is bad in the mornings and I am coughing up horrible brown phlegm which clears throughout the day. It would be nice if it is my body clearing the last of it from my system, which was my initial thought..... Ive been worried it was just coming back or something... only I am doing a 27 mile sponsored walk on my own on sunday and am really scared ill get ill again before it.... but seeing as my symptoms have almost disappeared, do you think its my body in the final stages of healing like you said about yours?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Phlegm is making me sick

    netti post and/or sinus rinse helps with post nasal drips and sinus infections. I have suffered from plem to the point where I would gag in the AM especially after coffee. I netti pot 2x a day and that is gone and so is all that extra phlem. Also, I just had a sinus infection turn to bronchotis and had to have a shot of antibiotic and steroid along with 14 days of antibiotic. My sinus infects almost always go into my chest and that is why you are bleeding...from coughing. Try Musinex and drink TONS of water to help break it all up. Hope you feel better, and try the neti works!

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