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Thread: At wits end with throat sensation

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Hi Primula,

    Some time ago I was reading about the use of Mindfulness in treating Sensorimotor OCD. That theme of OCD is all about focusing on controlling a normally automated bodily function like breathing.

    What they were saying was that rather than work on stopping the compulsion (like in ERP) they encouraged entering a Mindfulness stage (probably via meditation) and then purposely watching the bodily process. The idea was to change the thought about it from needing to do to being comfortable with it just happening.

    I thought that sounded useful for many things. I wonder if that could be of use in your case because it's clear you need to accept something that has been forced on you? You have little choice but to adapt to this new thing, so changing your thinking is going to be the real way just like it would be if you had a chronic illness (and therapy does get used in that circumstance too).

    It was just a different way to the usual CBT style way. It sounded useful and from what I've seen of ACT, that seems big on accepting things as they are and not making them trouble you more by adding to them (pain doesn't equal suffering, for instance).
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #22

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Quote Originally Posted by Primula View Post
    I still have the sensation but I've stopped worrying and focusing on it. Im feeling much better about it. The sensation is mostly one sided but sometimes in the middle. You can look back through my previous posts on this.
    Thanks for the reply Primula, glad to hear you're feeling better. Just knowing that a muscle relaxer like diazepam can help diminish a sensation is relieving. I'm going to ask my doctor to put me on a trial of that considering I'm currently on Clonazepam.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Hi Happy man. I'm not taking diazepam/Valium now it was just a very short course to try to break the cycle. Be wary of using it long term. The way I've dealt with it is through acknowledging that it's there and not going to go just because I want it to. I've done lots of relaxation, also listening and believing what my doctor has told me. I'm also focusing outwards into the wider world. It's not easy but it can be done.

    ---------- Post added at 08:48 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Hi Primula,

    Some time ago I was reading about the use of Mindfulness in treating Sensorimotor OCD. That theme of OCD is all about focusing on controlling a normally automated bodily function like breathing.

    What they were saying was that rather than work on stopping the compulsion (like in ERP) they encouraged entering a Mindfulness stage (probably via meditation) and then purposely watching the bodily process. The idea was to change the thought about it from needing to do to being comfortable with it just happening.

    I thought that sounded useful for many things. I wonder if that could be of use in your case because it's clear you need to accept something that has been forced on you? You have little choice but to adapt to this new thing, so changing your thinking is going to be the real way just like it would be if you had a chronic illness (and therapy does get used in that circumstance too).

    It was just a different way to the usual CBT style way. It sounded useful and from what I've seen of ACT, that seems big on accepting things as they are and not making them trouble you more by adding to them (pain doesn't equal suffering, for instance).
    Thanks Terry, really good post. I think that's what I've been doing lately. I've deliberately examined the sensation instead of trying to make it go away. I'm accepting that it's nothing sinister and accepting it's there and probably always has been but my focus has picked it out over the past 8 months. I'm finding as my anxiety is abating so is the sensation.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Great to hear that you are doing so well, Primula. It's all about finding what works best for you x

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    I have never taken diazepam but when I was going through similar issues with my throat I did some research and I believe they prescribe it as a muscle relaxant for things like this, so i'm glad it's working for you. I know there are the addiction risks but I am sure your GP has spoken to you about that.
    I still have my right sided throat sensation but i push it to the back of my mind and now i am not 'focused' on it all the time i can actually forget about it a lot of the time - there are some days when it 'bugs' me and i feel a bit of pain in the area too but overall i have trained my brain to stop zoning in on it.
    Have you tried hypnotherapy? I have and although it is not a miracle cure or anything I found it helped me to relax.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Thanks for the replies Carrie and Pulisa. I did go back to my counsellor recently, but I found it made me much more anxious because I felt like a failure going back. Although I do agree with what she said, and I'm putting it in to practise. She said that I need to stop researching the internet for cures, as this is reassurance seeking.
    Stop asking friends and family if I'm ok = reassurance seeking.
    Don't make any more appointments with the doctor about this, accept what they have diagnosed (globus). Obviously go to Doctor if any new unusual symptoms occur, but use the 2 week rule. (don't google the new symptoms)
    Stop looking for 100% certainty in everything.
    I'm also doing and listening to relaxation/meditation audios and going to start some yoga again.
    Stop making anxiety the forefront of my life, acknowledge the anxious thoughts and then get on with something I used to enjoy, even if I don't want to do it, fake it until you make it! Last weekend I did exactly that, me and husband met our kids for a meal, I felt anxious but I allowed the anxiety and it went away. On Sunday I did all the things I used to do, even though I felt weak and anxious, I gardened, I did washing, loads of ironing, and looked at learning Spanish, something I've always wanted to do, so I've downloaded an app to get me started. also got husband to massage my head and shoulders with lovely essential oils.
    Anyway the upshot of all this is that I've gradually started to feel less anxious and focused on my throat, and there have been times I haven't been aware of it. I know I'm not fully better yet but I feel brighter than I have in a long time.

    I'm also realising that CBT is not for me, it makes me focus too much on myself and my anxiety. I'm sick of writing thought record sheets and journalling my thoughts. I've put every book and diary (except for Claire Weekes) I have on anxiety in a cupboard where I can't see them. I'm sure some find CBT helpful, but for me I feel it sets me up for failure. So I'm going to live the life of a non anxious person, and JFDI.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    What a sensible and helpful counsellor! I think the same about CBT although I'm sure it works for some.

    Sounds as though you are doing really well-there certainly is more to life than anxiety and you are proving this!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    An update

    I've been putting my plan in place for the last two weeks, and it appears to be working. The anxiety has greatly reduced. I feel 'normal' a great deal of the time. The throat sensation has also receded. I can still feel it if I bring my attention to it, but it's not bothering me anymore. When I think back on the last 8 months I can't believe what my mind has had me believing.
    It appears that for me, once my anxiety calms down I am no longer worried about my health. I still have moments of anxiety and thoughts about my health, but I've stopped engaging with them, I've started saying 'so what' to them and then finding something to do instead of sitting ruminating. I'm not pretending it's easy, it isn't, but it's what you have to do if you want to get better. I still feel a bit shaky in the morning but I just get out of bed, and remind myself that mornings are always the worst and that in time that will fade away too.
    In a nutshell I'm behaving like a non anxious person and doing all the things I used to do before anxiety got hold of me. As I said before you have to fake it to make it, your brain doesn't seem to know the difference and eventually the anxiety let's go.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Really good news! The trick is not to care regardless of the intensity of symptoms but no one says this is easy and it takes time and patience and obviously a modified mindset.

    You must feel so relieved and liberated, Primula! x

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: At wits end with throat sensation

    Thought it would be nice to give an update. Since I last posted in March , I've been really well and not bothered about my throat at all. I can still feel something if I bring my attention to it, but I don't care about it anymore, and I can quickly divert myself on to other things. Just wanted to let people know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, it's not easy to get over anxiety it requires a lot of work but it can be done. I'm sure I'll still get anxious times but I feel that my past experiences have helped me to cope with things that may crop up in the future. Many thanks to all those who helped me through that horrible time.

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