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Thread: Can't cope with life anymore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Can't cope with life anymore

    I'm posting on here because I know of no where else where people will listen and understand. I just feel like I can't do life anymore, everything I do either goes wrong or falls apart. I did something that made me feel really good last year and now I have people slagging me off for it, I feel like I'm back in junior school when I was bullied.
    Even something as simple and stupid as putting flowers into pots in my garden, they've been eaten by slugs and I just think whats the ****** point of it all? Whats the point in keeping on fighthing this thing if everyone around me is against me, or everything around me just goes wrong. If I go to see my gp he just says "oh we have something we can give you for that" hands me a bottle of pills and sends me on my way, pills dont work been there done that. I can't get past the receptionist to see any other doctor, I'm still waititng to see this psychiatrist and I'm getting to a point where I dont want to wait anymore. This morning I just want to cut myself, and do all the stupid stuff that people like me do, its only seeing my eight year old and thinking what she would go through that stops me from finishing the job properly. But why can't I cope with life, what cant I just wake up one day and feel happy, not tired, worn out, exhausted and fed up with it all. I just want to be normal.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi lis,
    sorry you are feeling down right now.. i know it can be so hard at times but hang in there.. how much longer do you have to wait for the psychiatrist? you may as well wait til you get to see them, you've waited this long.
    You can get over this, you can. No matter how deep your depression there is a way out. just be strong.
    I know exactly what you mean about slugs and plants! the same has happened to mine! b*stards! they were such pretty flowers and now there is just a stalk left. My hubby goes out at night and goes on a killing spree to get them, but they always manage to come back!
    Take care Lis,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lisa J,

    Really sorry to hear your feeling so low at the moment...Ive been there and its not a nice place to be. At the time I couldnt see a wa out, and didnt have any fight in me to fight it, but I have and am slowly getting better.

    I was lucky in the fact that I have a fantastic support network (boyf family etc) and a great GP who when I was at my worst, got me an immediate refferal with the psychiatrist.

    Do you family know how your feeling? I hid how i was feeling as I felt ashamed and stupid, but when I finally told them what was happening it was a huge relief.

    It is possible for GPs to get referals almost immediatly for you to see a psychiatrist if they know how depressed you are at the moment.

    I think it may be worth seeing you doctor again, or a different one if your not happy with yours at the moment, and be fully honest with them at how you are feeling, its the only way they'll understand.

    Why not give them a call now and try to get an appointment today?

    Tatty B xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lis,

    Sorry you are feeling so low at the moment. I to have been down that depression road and thought there would never be a way out. There is though it just takes time and small steps. I still get days when I feel very low and think S**T I hope the depression not coming back again.

    Like Tatty said go back to your GP and tell him just how bad things have got and that you really can't cope!!!!

    You may find it was just tha certain medication that didn't work sometimes you have to find one thats right for you. Also the SSRI meds can take 2 to 8 weeks till you feel any benefit.

    If you don't want meds have you tried the natural alternatives like the Bach flower Remedies? St Johns Wart or homeopathy these may help.

    I do hope you feel better soon and get the help you deserve!

    Take care,

    Love PIP'S X X

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lis,

    I'm sending you a big squeeze through the computer - and while you are having your big squeeze I'm telling you this will pass (it always does) but while you are waiting what about:
    1. Changing your doctor - it so makes a difference if they are supportive.
    2. If you are not on any other tablets what about the St Johns Wort that has been suggested.
    3. Getting a good pal/partner to go to Gp's with you and come in on the consultation (you might not get fobbed off so easily that way).
    4. Spending the day pampering yourself (probably the last thing you feel like doing) but doing this stuff can be a little boost.

    More squeezes throughout the day
    Love Piglet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi lisaj,

    I know its awful when you are this low and your not getting the help you need,
    go back to docs and dont get fobbed of you need the help,
    maybe the medication you were on was not the one for you and they could find a one that does, until you get the help u need,

    I have been that low once it was the thought of what it wud do to my mum that stopped me, that was a lot of years ago and i have got through it so dont give up just yet, there is always hope you just have not had the help you deserve.

    keep on at docs
    take care
    big hug

    kairen x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lisa

    I appreciate how you feel, you are feeling really low and cant see the point anymore.

    I have being there and i know how it feels and how much it hurts you as a person feeling like you do.

    I dont know what gave me the answer to carry on but i did and i am so pleased i did. Reach inside yourself and in time you will feel normal and remember the Lisa you were, you maybe wont be her again because you will emerge a much stronger and independent Lisa, who is so much wiser and so much more understanding.

    Time will help you and so will we.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I know what you mean everyday I try to do something that will make me feel slightly happier (a suggestion from a web site) well I used to anyway now I dont see the point. Most of the things I tried haven't worked and I dont see how other things can. It seems the smallest thing I do never goes right! Slugs are annoying I understand that. Im in my senior school years and I can't seem to get my work right, or do anything the teacher agrees with I cant wait til I get out of school and I can leave those idiots behind me! *(thinks*stupid remark as Im working towards being a teacher*)
    Anyway focus on your daughter, if you want to make things better for your self maybe seeing her happy might help. Take her to the park or let her have friends over, spend some time with her find out if she has any problems and if your not already close get closer. xXx little Nikki

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