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Thread: weak, legs due to low testosterone

  1. #1

    Unhappy weak, legs due to low testosterone

    ive been tested for low testosterone, im a male 43 the results came back and i have very low levels also my pituitar gland is also not working correctly. Its not sending a signal to my testicles to produce testosterone. The problem is i have no energy also i have got fatigue, my legs are feeling very weak. I can not get comfortable they are driving me up the wall. Can any body recommend any herbal remedy, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    I dont think a herbal remedy is going to do any good whatsoever to be honest .You have a disorder of a very important gland and you should be seeing an Endocrinologist .Has your Dr reffered you ? You could also benefit from a low dose of Testosterone but this needs to be discussed with a Dr .My father has CUSHINGS SYNDROME ,and had to have his pit gland removed ,so he has to take a combination of hormones to be able to function properly .Im not suggesting by the way you have anything serious but there is no reason you cant be helped with this .The only thing i could suggest is excercise to strenghten the muscles in the legs .Walking is an excellent way of doing this ,and its a good way of making you feel good . Hope you get things sorted soon ,Hugs Sue xx

  3. #3
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    If you have very low testosterone then medical intervention would sound sensible to me. Sure you can boost your immune system by taking supplements but I really wouldn't ignore your problem and getting it sorted out. (I would recommend a good multivitamin plus extra Vit B Complex and zinc - which is essential for the production of testosterone.)

    Did your doctor not suggest any treatment for this because low testosterone can also cause depression and anxiety in some people?

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    As far as I know there is no replcement for testosterone in diet or supplementary form, you need to receive medical treatment to correct or compensate for the problem.
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  5. #5

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    hi thanks for all who replied, i've had more blood tests done at the hospital.
    The results are going to take 6 weeks, i know i will have to have some sort of replacement theropy but i just want some short term relief from the aches in legs. i go to the gym usually but due to having no energy i am finding it hard but i will try and get there. Hopefully when i start treatment this will all disappear, i am also Hiv+ and on anti- retrovira drugs i have read that low testosterone is common with people with this illness, i good friend has suggested smoking cannabis to easy my symptons but i never have used it before so im not to sure but i will try anything

  6. #6
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    Oct 2008

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    Taking any recreational drug can have an effect on the Antiviral drugs you are taking .So Deano please dont even go there its not worth it .Also some Herbal medicines like Garlic can have an effect that prevents the drugs performance .If its more muscular I would suggest ,a topical application of pain killing gel or muscle rub .But you would have to ask your Dr or pharmacist if these are safe ,as these do get absorbed through the skin .I know you cant sit in the bath all day but a nice warm bath with muscle soak might give you temporary relief .Or a gentle muscle massage ..Good luck with everything ,i hope you dont have to suffer any longer than necessary ...hugs Sue x

  7. #7
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    I would agree that you should be careful about smoking cannabis and the effect it would have on any drugs you may take. Also, although it may ease pain and relax you, it can negatively affect your immune system.

    Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether it's OK to take zinc because there is a link between it and low levels of testosterone:

    I hope that helps and you find some relief soon.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  8. #8

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    My GP has given me some codine pain relief tablets. I have also brought myself a tens machine from the local chemist, this is giving me sum relief by making my muscles contract hard for 15min sessions. plus i got some oil from a chinese herbalist which i rub in I am also going for a walk to exercise my legs hopefully this will make it more bearable thank you for all your kind replies xx

  9. #9

    Re: weak, legs due to low testosterone

    Quote Originally Posted by deanro View Post
    ive been tested for low testosterone, im a male 43 the results came back and i have very low levels also my pituitar gland is also not working correctly. Its not sending a signal to my testicles to produce testosterone. The problem is i have no energy also i have got fatigue, my legs are feeling very weak. I can not get comfortable they are driving me up the wall. Can any body recommend any herbal remedy, thanks
    You would be shocked at the amount of men over 35-40 who just dont feel "right" due to low test levels

    Tribulus terrestis may be worth a go if not novledex by dasani will definatley boost natural test however with your pitiitar gland issue Im not 100%

    Be warned though mate that novledex is a proper bodybuilding supplement designed for steroid users who come off cycle but it does work

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