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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.


    I have been getting these lingering and sharp pains in my left breast for 3 months now. they are very uncomfortable and i seem to have them now every day. I have been told i could have Costochrondritis and in the Past month i have had 3 ECG tests all normal. i havent really had any other tests I could be sitting there then i get them really bad. I would like them to look further into the problem but i just dont know what to do anymore Could this be a Possible Panic Attack?? I have tried herb tea BAch remedies ETC nothing seems to help also they seem to get worse in the evening. Please advise

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.
    i often get pains in my left breast especially when my period is due. i too have been told that this and the chest pain is costocondritis or fybromyalgia

    i think it is our tension and our anxiety and most of all our fear of the pain that makes it linger

    i hope this helps


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I was going to post about this but figured no-one would get the same or tell me it is anxiety and I am not suffering from anxiety atall at the moment.

    I have a sharp pain behind my left breast and it is worse if I cough, sneeze or even lay down. Last night I couldn't sleep all night with the pain. Aspirin relieves it for a few hours. I have been off work today because it is too painful.

    I am thinking it is either Costochrondritis or I have pulled some muscles or possibly something to do with my ribs as I had a really bad cough a few weeks back and had this pain ever since.

    I am seeing the doctor on Friday about it so will let you know what he says.

    Hopefully we can both get rid of it because at the moment I don't feel like doing anything physical as it is too painful and I was trying to get back into exercise again.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I think i know exactly what it is that you are feeling both of you.

    I was born with fused ribs and i get pains behind my breasts often because of it. It is the cartralidge between the ribs that get inflamed slightly because you have either done sit ups or you have had a bad cough or simply laid funny.Anyone can get it just i always have it.
    It is like a stab pain and almost feels like its inflamed.
    The tenderness can sometimes be mistaken to be breast pain, if the inlamation gets worse it can feel tender into the arm pit.
    Alot of women get it before a period because then they also get inflamation of the tissue just in different places.
    I used to worry myself sick about all this too.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I get the pains too - its a relief to know the reason why, thanks Mirry

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Anyone got any cures for it???

    I don't want to feel this much pain for long as I want to start back swimming again.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Cures, Im afraid theres no such thing for me because of my fusions but i do find relief in resting, hot water bottle or taking anti inflamatry pills, the warmer weather also helps a bit.

    I hate to say this but personally swimming makes mine worse because the ribs try to flare out as I swim.

    for all you know you may have a slight fusion on your ribs, alot of cases arnt picked up because they are mild - a good test is to lay on the floor and suck your tummy in and see if boths sides of your chest look the same. On mine my left side sticks up in the air and my right side is lower. Then you can get someone to check your back as you bend over and touch your toes, they will be looking to see if one side is higher than the other.

    Another test is to lay on your back and with both hands whilst breathing in compare each side feeling for a bump ,bump bump sensation as you move down your rib cage, mine goes all over the place missing bumps.

    Hope this helps

    I remember when i was pregnant with my daughter , i was about 7 months gone and i had a terrible terrible cough which made all my ribs flare up and it hurt like mad when ever i coughed, infact i couldnt get out of bed for 2 weeks and had to take pills, it can be really painfull and extream.

    When i was 18 the hospital offered to remove my lower ribs, the floating ones .........i was so scared when they said it was a major operation i said no id live with the pain.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I get the pains too and have had tests done and been told that all is ok and nothing to worry about .. seems it's quite a common thing to happen but anyone with pains should get a mammogram done


    The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Well I went to the doctor's yesterday and after he poked and prodded me he said that I had either pulled a muscle or it could be viral and the muscles connecting the ribs were inflammed.

    My chest was clear so that is good.

    Not a lot I can do - just take pain killers and rest it. So no swimming for a while yet.

    It is definitely a bit better now so I am hoping it will soon go and I will be back to the exercise again.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Glad the pain is starting to get a bit better Nic.

    Hopefully you will be able to get back to swimming again soon.


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