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Thread: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

  1. #1
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    Jan 2010

    Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Many People on chatroom have asked about this topic.
    I have to started this forum about Hearing voices WHILE going to sleep and waking up from sleep - I think the main name is Hypnagogic Hallucinations - Which people as in psycaitrists, Doctors, Mental Health Pracitionors may concdier normal.

    While half asleep and half awake in the night and allso when relaxed.

    I have had loads of expirences in hearing voices at night while going to sleep and waking up, They can be intrusive, Loud and annyoing, I cant understand most of them, The voices are randmom from my day to day thoughts i picked up during life. I allso see some random clear images while my eyes are open and closed. the images can be calm and scarey, Beuitiful and ugly etc. Heck i even thought i saw things in the day.- which turned out to be my anxiety and my imagination going wild because at the time i was really scared. This allso happends when i am feeling normal and not scared.

    Some people see things from the corner of their eyes - Should be nothing to worry about. I had this and i could see black shaddows which are fast.
    They should go withing time because i dont have them anymore.

    Now for examples

    What i have heard

    Where is your car? - This is and odd one because i dont even have a car.
    Happy Birthday - No ones birthday on the night i heard this.
    Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up - Random Kind of on intrusive but scarey thought.
    Go away and leave me alone - Intrusive an unrealated to anything i was thinking at the time.
    Im Hungry - I cant really explain this lol - Sooo random

    I even hear some words and sentences i havent heard or seen before - In my defence i probably picked it up from maybe the Television (TV), Phone, Radio and allso a Book.

    Some people hear words of the allpherbet
    , - I know random but normal.
    Probabily Dictionery or A word search.

    Stress can allso make you hear voices and thinking about this can make you hear voice, just dont think of it as much and be relaxed as you can - The voices will lessen then should go in time.

    Some people allso THINK the voices for example, someone who says FOOD outload can say it in there head without moving there lips - so its just there random thorghts instead of voices of others. Its pretty much the same because they are thinking the same thing other people may hear instead of voices.
    I have heard mine and other peoples voices and allso think them since within a year.
    They can appear randomly allso - Just like mine

    Somtimes i forget what i think of hear the day after or maybe minutes later, so i probabily was half asleep or half awake.

    Have you ever heard your name being called when nobody is around? Yes I have many time - This dosnt really mean anything its normal - The brains just playing tricks on you and its over active, its normal it happends.

    Ringing in ears
    Hearing your name called out when nobody is around
    Hearing other people calling somone elce
    Hearing Telephone/Mobie ringing
    Hypnogogic Hallucinations - Hearing voices and Seeing things when waking up and just about to drift of to sleep - is pretty common - I HAVE HAD EXPIRENCES IN THIS MANY TIMES AND CONSIDER MYSELF NORMAL

    What is similar about all these sounds? They are the most common sounds on earth. For a busy person,

    Examples Of Seeing things.
    Things that i have seen.

    Clouds, Rain Clouds, Heaven, Hell, A statue of somone, a vision of a happy family, loads of times with differnt other people. I seen my own house, I can imagine what is happening downstairs while im upstairs. at some point i even thought i was psychic because of coinsedences.

    These may happen everyday and may not. - Sometimes a month goes by without it happening

    Please look at my other forums - This is not the only forum, there are forums reelated to this in my profile.

    You may have some more questions you would like to ask.
    Please ask and dont be affraid.
    I and others will be happy to help you.

    Thank You for your time.

    P.S Come back soon because this gets updated
    Last edited by JustBenn; 01-08-10 at 17:17.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Comments from other people - Hearing Things while drifting of to sleep.

    1. That used to happen to me when I was younger (teens and early twenties) and it sure freaked me out. The voices used to say nonsensical things, gibberish that I wouldn't be able to write down or recall... Only happened as I was drifting off to sleep, no other times..Stopped happening as I got older, though.…

    2. I wouldn't worry too much... Ive had similar experiences. Just shows your minds still very active. If its really bothering you it maybe best to go talk to someone about it. Although what could be a good plan might be to jot it down the next day when you wake up.. almost keep a diary. Write down if you have been overly stressed that day or anxious or annoyed. These maybe triggers to your active mind. I hope thats some help for you. Take care.

    3. It's a hypnogogic hallucination. Nothing do to with mental illness and completely normal. I'm a mental health practitioner

    4. it's common after a busy day.

    5. omg! me too! it sounds like someone is changing the channel on the tv very fast, and i can make out some of the things at the time but also forget them almost immediately
    i've been too scared to mention it to my therapist started when i was 16, but only happened like 3 times in a year and i thought it was from listening to music too much...
    but last year it happened nearly every night and i barely listened to music then, now it probably happens like 5 times a month...i dunno why, but in my body sciences class we learned that dreams are hallucinations, and if you wake up and ur still half asleep you can have hallucinations, so i guess it's the same when one is falling asleep as well

    6. This happened to me once when I was diving. I was up for 48 hours and was driving home from a ski trip/party weekend (no drugs) and occurred seconds before I fell asleep at the wheel. Luckily, my friend in the passenger seat grabbed the wheel and woke me up. He drove the rest of the way home

    7. Happens to me all the time. No mental illness.

    8. Hey, relax, it is normal, I get this all the time, it is just her mind playing tricks on her. She is not psychotic

    o my goodness, i do this all the time! All day at work I am like, 'did you say my name?', 'did someone shout me?'.. and I always get, 'no, your hearing things!'....
    As far as i know I am 'normal', i think it's just a habit I may have got in to... Perhaps most people who think someone called them may listen out, and if they done hear another call presume that nobody was. But it seems as though your sister and I ask straight away?
    Hope all is well anyway

    10. Seeing things Vivid imagination? sounds like a vivid imagination to me. i wouldnt worry about it unless you start seeing some really messed up things.

    11. that's completely normal, trust me.

    sometimes I actually hear things before I go to sleep, and they're just random words or phrases like you described. they're called hypnagogic hallucinations and a lot of people have them. I guess that it's just our brains getting ready to start dreaming.

    oh, but what you're experiencing isn't really even hypagogic hallucinations, since you aren't actually hearing them. if it is extremely consistent and distracting it most likely stems from your anxiety.

    12. No, it doesn't really sound like hypnagogia hallucination, probably far less severe.

    It sounds like sensory phenomena that happens during the transition from wakefulness to and from sleep; not much is understood about these experiences; an altered state between reality and sleep that is common to most people.

    You seem to describe what is sometimes called hypnagogic imagery though usually lacking in narratives (words), there are sounds, like imagining your own name being called or snatches of imagined speech, word-play, but typically nonsensical and fragmented.

    13. That has happened to me before. i hear these little voices of people i know or random voices when i try to sleep and now im used to it, it's not scary. it's normal.

    14. It's definitely normal to hear the mind chatter for different lengths of time, even long ones. And it's very common to hear it more when you are alone because your mind has nothing else to focus on. It still happens to me every now and then, I just ignore it or let it be. Just remember it's nothing to worry about, just your own brain

    Don't be scared to sleep. It's normal for it to happen to any person as they go to sleep or during the day. It's nothing to fear, just completely normal reactions from your brain that occur more than most people because you think about it more! If it happens as you're going to sleep just keep thinking to yourself that it's only different parts of your brain talking I do that and it helps me.

    I listen to music when I go to sleep and it's really good. You just drift off. I love music though! I listen to it all day every day. You could just try some new world or meditation music which is very relaxing and calm.

    15. I don't remember what my voices said, they talked a lot though. Sometimes it sounded like my own thoughts and other times like someone else was chattering away. So real at times that I was convinced someone had to be in the room.

    Just remember, the more you think about it the more it will happen. It's nothing bad, just that the pathways in your brain that cause mind chatter are activated whenever you think of it so then it increases the liklihood of it chattering again

    My doctor told me mine was hypnogogic so that sounds about right to me

    16. I'm doing alright for now too, I'm not actually hearing any voices at the moment, just a lot of thoughts that I don't want, lol. They'll go away in time!

    You are very welcome I hope it can help people! I understand how horrible it feels to be scared of your own mind!

    Yes, intrusive thoughts can also come in the voice of another person rather than your thinking voice. It happens to me like that too and I go 'Oh, not my voice! Go away!'

    Mine always happen going to sleep. I think they occur only when we go to sleep because the first time it happened we were going to sleep. After that we develop a kind of fear of the voices, and because we fear it so much as we are going to sleep and go 'what if I get those thoughts' it triggers something in your brain that creates them. Like the same process for panic attacks. When you begin to lose the fear of them, they will begin to go away.

    Just remember, it's only your mind, and as you start to deal with the anxiety better, and stop fearing the feeling, you'll find the thoughts will ease up too

    anxiety can create auditory hallucinations but you wont have them for long. I was hearing weird stuff before i was falling asleep too, it's scarey, and with our anxious minds we tend to worry if we are going bonkers when we arnt.
    They will subside, seriously, dont worry

    19. i saw a thread about you worrying about ** i assure you you havnt got that and wanted you to know when you fall asleep or wake up some people are going into rem sleep and thats where we dream. at this stage if you semi wake up you will hear or see the things going through your mind when i was really bad with anxiety i used to see all sorts and hear peoples voices i was terrified it was ** but told its very normal they are called hypnotic hallucinations not the kind with ** just we hear or see part of our dream look it up matey on sleep page trust me its harmless xxx

    20. I get thoughts pop into my mind all the time, especially when I'm drifting into sleep. It's just your mind thinking without you conciously creating the thoughts. Sometimes they can be 'intrusive thoughts' as well. Which are thoughts that just jump into your head without you conciously thinking about them. Very annoying, but I promise it's nothing to worry about.

    21. I think almost everyone has heard voices/words/noises when drifting off to sleep. The fact that you are anxious about them magnifies it. I think it's just all mind chatter caused by an anxious mind. Try not to worry too much about this mind chatter and it'll gradually calm down.

    22. Oh I had a horrible one least Wednesday morning. I was still sleepy, just woken up and relxing, getting ready to drift off again and BAM I start hearing voices. They were clear as day, like someone was trying to have a conversation with me while I swas lying there. There was noone there, but it sounded like it, and I think my fears of it made it worse. Hasn't happened again since then. I asked my psychiatrist about it on Friday and he said that it's very very common in normal people, there's even a name for it! I can't remember the name of it though, sorry! He says it's even happened to him. Just a normal silly thing our brains do, and it will happen more the more stressed you are. He didn't seem worried about it at all I hope that reassures you! My psychiatrist hears the same voices we do, haha.

    23. I get random thoughts of voices interrupting my thoughts when I'm not thinking of them. It's really frustrating because They just pop up.

    For the past 25 years or so, just when I am about to fall asleep I hear a voice. Usuallly this voice is male and speaks English. Once it was a female and another time the voice was in a foreign language which I was not able to comprehend. The sentence the voice gives me is usually a command or a statement. Infrequently, the voice just gvies one word. Yesterday, I heard just the name "Oliver" as I was nodding off. This phenomena happens only when I take a nap or when I am a passenger in a car and nod off. It usually does not happen when I go to sleep at my normal bedtime in the evenings.
    The words I hear have no relationship to anything that I read, watch on TV, hear on radio, talk about with friends, etc.

    25. This actually happens to me nearly every day. Usually for me though it is more than a sentence, sometimes an entire thought (several sentences), but that I can rarely remember when I awaken again. Also sometimes I've just heard my name. Now that I think of it, there have been instances of hearing only one sentence, usually in the imperative form.

    No, I don't think you need to see a doctor, unless these voices are NEGATIVE

    26. I have had the same sort of thing for a little while.
    As i am falling asleep, anywhere, usually at night, i begin to pick up a lot of different voices, some of which sound like the voices of people that i know, but it is hard to just listen to one when there is a lot of chatter
    i think i could learn to control it, the problem is, whenever i begin to hear it, i panic, and try to forget it

    27. Hi all--I have had this quite often--Many examples too--Most the time when I was falling asleep, but one time when I was doing the dishes and the house was quiet. It was like a man was standing right behind me and says, "John, 32, OK, fire, car" That is exactly how it went. I thought,"what the heck?"

    Just about every night, I hear something. Sometimes one word, other times a whole sentence. When this happens, it is like I have this surge of energy pass through my body that starts at my head and goes to my feet. Like I have put my finger in a light socket. If I concentrate to hear more, it is gone. It seems to happen when I am not thinking about hearing it! I love going to bed because I am always curious on what is going to happen.

    27. That's normal. When you here the voices, you're already sleeping. Hearing such voices is just a form of dreaming. You may not think you're sleeping but you are. Technically, they're called hypnagogic hallucinations.

    28. When you are first falling asleep, it's normal to hear things or even dream weird little things. It's normal.
    The transition from consciousness/awake to unconsciousness/asleep can be a weird thing. You might be having trouble falling asleep, spending too much time in stage one sleep.
    Don't be afraid of anything like this, it's not real, it's just your mind. Remember that!
    Sometimes when I'm falling asleep I hear weird voices that say weird/random things that wakes me up..It's just my subconscious, just like the screams.
    Try not to focus on it, try not to be afraid, because the more you think about it, the more it will happen. If it's in your thoughts a lot, it will come out in your subconscious more and more.

    To make falling asleep easier and smoother:
    Cut out ALL caffeine, or at least none after 2pm
    Sleep on a regular schedule, wake up and go to bed at the same times everyday.
    Have a nightly "routine" you do every night. Like, read for 20 minutes before bed, or write.
    Take a melatonin tablet 30 minutes before bed.
    Eat a healthy diet! No eating 2 hours prior to bedtime.

    Don't be scared! I promise it's just your mind. It's nothing to be scared of. When it happens, just remember it's just your subconscious, it's normal.




    Last edited by JustBenn; 03-09-10 at 22:33.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    They used to scare me but thye make me chuckle now, i wake up seeing rabbits on the walls hands coming through my curtains. I hear my dad shout my name over and over. Spiders in my bed. Alot of my frineds have this too more common than you think. x

  4. #4
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    Jan 2010

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Saying that it has stopped recently dont' know why so has my sleepwalking x ever since i have taken time off work :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Hiiiii hannybun x

    Long time no speak
    How are you feeling, I hope everything is fine.

    I guess you have been really busy at work. and have stressful nights.

    While lying in bed, i concentrate on the ceiling and i could see the little dots move from side to side. abit like optical illusion allso when i concentrate on my clothes on the floor, i can see it move to the right.

    allso i could see peoples eyes on walls lol - really freaky but i dont care anymore - it dosnt scare me.
    Last edited by JustBenn; 05-09-10 at 12:52.

  6. #6

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Quote Originally Posted by OCD.SUX View Post
    Comments from other people - Hearing Things while drifting of to sleep.

    1. That used to happen to me when I was younger (teens and early twenties) and it sure freaked me out. The voices used to say nonsensical things, gibberish that I wouldn't be able to write down or recall... Only happened as I was drifting off to sleep, no other times..Stopped happening as I got older, though.…

    2. I wouldn't worry too much... Ive had similar experiences. Just shows your minds still very active. If its really bothering you it maybe best to go talk to someone about it. Although what could be a good plan might be to jot it down the next day when you wake up.. almost keep a diary. Write down if you have been overly stressed that day or anxious or annoyed. These maybe triggers to your active mind. I hope thats some help for you. Take care.

    3. It's a hypnogogic hallucination. Nothing do to with mental illness and completely normal. I'm a mental health practitioner

    4. it's common after a busy day.

    5. omg! me too! it sounds like someone is changing the channel on the tv very fast, and i can make out some of the things at the time but also forget them almost immediately
    i've been too scared to mention it to my therapist started when i was 16, but only happened like 3 times in a year and i thought it was from listening to music too much...
    but last year it happened nearly every night and i barely listened to music then, now it probably happens like 5 times a month...i dunno why, but in my body sciences class we learned that dreams are hallucinations, and if you wake up and ur still half asleep you can have hallucinations, so i guess it's the same when one is falling asleep as well

    6. This happened to me once when I was diving. I was up for 48 hours and was driving home from a ski trip/party weekend (no drugs) and occurred seconds before I fell asleep at the wheel. Luckily, my friend in the passenger seat grabbed the wheel and woke me up. He drove the rest of the way home

    7. Happens to me all the time. No mental illness.

    8. Hey, relax, it is normal, I get this all the time, it is just her mind playing tricks on her. She is not psychotic

    o my goodness, i do this all the time! All day at work I am like, 'did you say my name?', 'did someone shout me?'.. and I always get, 'no, your hearing things!'....
    As far as i know I am 'normal', i think it's just a habit I may have got in to... Perhaps most people who think someone called them may listen out, and if they done hear another call presume that nobody was. But it seems as though your sister and I ask straight away?
    Hope all is well anyway

    10. Seeing things Vivid imagination? sounds like a vivid imagination to me. i wouldnt worry about it unless you start seeing some really messed up things.

    11. that's completely normal, trust me.

    sometimes I actually hear things before I go to sleep, and they're just random words or phrases like you described. they're called hypnagogic hallucinations and a lot of people have them. I guess that it's just our brains getting ready to start dreaming.

    oh, but what you're experiencing isn't really even hypagogic hallucinations, since you aren't actually hearing them. if it is extremely consistent and distracting it most likely stems from your anxiety.

    12. No, it doesn't really sound like hypnagogia hallucination, probably far less severe.

    It sounds like sensory phenomena that happens during the transition from wakefulness to and from sleep; not much is understood about these experiences; an altered state between reality and sleep that is common to most people.

    You seem to describe what is sometimes called hypnagogic imagery though usually lacking in narratives (words), there are sounds, like imagining your own name being called or snatches of imagined speech, word-play, but typically nonsensical and fragmented.

    13. That has happened to me before. i hear these little voices of people i know or random voices when i try to sleep and now im used to it, it's not scary. it's normal.

    14. It's definitely normal to hear the mind chatter for different lengths of time, even long ones. And it's very common to hear it more when you are alone because your mind has nothing else to focus on. It still happens to me every now and then, I just ignore it or let it be. Just remember it's nothing to worry about, just your own brain

    Don't be scared to sleep. It's normal for it to happen to any person as they go to sleep or during the day. It's nothing to fear, just completely normal reactions from your brain that occur more than most people because you think about it more! If it happens as you're going to sleep just keep thinking to yourself that it's only different parts of your brain talking I do that and it helps me.

    I listen to music when I go to sleep and it's really good. You just drift off. I love music though! I listen to it all day every day. You could just try some new world or meditation music which is very relaxing and calm.

    15. I don't remember what my voices said, they talked a lot though. Sometimes it sounded like my own thoughts and other times like someone else was chattering away. So real at times that I was convinced someone had to be in the room.

    Just remember, the more you think about it the more it will happen. It's nothing bad, just that the pathways in your brain that cause mind chatter are activated whenever you think of it so then it increases the liklihood of it chattering again

    My doctor told me mine was hypnogogic so that sounds about right to me

    16. I'm doing alright for now too, I'm not actually hearing any voices at the moment, just a lot of thoughts that I don't want, lol. They'll go away in time!

    You are very welcome I hope it can help people! I understand how horrible it feels to be scared of your own mind!

    Yes, intrusive thoughts can also come in the voice of another person rather than your thinking voice. It happens to me like that too and I go 'Oh, not my voice! Go away!'

    Mine always happen going to sleep. I think they occur only when we go to sleep because the first time it happened we were going to sleep. After that we develop a kind of fear of the voices, and because we fear it so much as we are going to sleep and go 'what if I get those thoughts' it triggers something in your brain that creates them. Like the same process for panic attacks. When you begin to lose the fear of them, they will begin to go away.

    Just remember, it's only your mind, and as you start to deal with the anxiety better, and stop fearing the feeling, you'll find the thoughts will ease up too

    anxiety can create auditory hallucinations but you wont have them for long. I was hearing weird stuff before i was falling asleep too, it's scarey, and with our anxious minds we tend to worry if we are going bonkers when we arnt.
    They will subside, seriously, dont worry

    19. i saw a thread about you worrying about ** i assure you you havnt got that and wanted you to know when you fall asleep or wake up some people are going into rem sleep and thats where we dream. at this stage if you semi wake up you will hear or see the things going through your mind when i was really bad with anxiety i used to see all sorts and hear peoples voices i was terrified it was ** but told its very normal they are called hypnotic hallucinations not the kind with ** just we hear or see part of our dream look it up matey on sleep page trust me its harmless xxx

    20. I get thoughts pop into my mind all the time, especially when I'm drifting into sleep. It's just your mind thinking without you conciously creating the thoughts. Sometimes they can be 'intrusive thoughts' as well. Which are thoughts that just jump into your head without you conciously thinking about them. Very annoying, but I promise it's nothing to worry about.

    21. I think almost everyone has heard voices/words/noises when drifting off to sleep. The fact that you are anxious about them magnifies it. I think it's just all mind chatter caused by an anxious mind. Try not to worry too much about this mind chatter and it'll gradually calm down.

    22. Oh I had a horrible one least Wednesday morning. I was still sleepy, just woken up and relxing, getting ready to drift off again and BAM I start hearing voices. They were clear as day, like someone was trying to have a conversation with me while I swas lying there. There was noone there, but it sounded like it, and I think my fears of it made it worse. Hasn't happened again since then. I asked my psychiatrist about it on Friday and he said that it's very very common in normal people, there's even a name for it! I can't remember the name of it though, sorry! He says it's even happened to him. Just a normal silly thing our brains do, and it will happen more the more stressed you are. He didn't seem worried about it at all I hope that reassures you! My psychiatrist hears the same voices we do, haha.

    23. I get random thoughts of voices interrupting my thoughts when I'm not thinking of them. It's really frustrating because They just pop up.

    For the past 25 years or so, just when I am about to fall asleep I hear a voice. Usuallly this voice is male and speaks English. Once it was a female and another time the voice was in a foreign language which I was not able to comprehend. The sentence the voice gives me is usually a command or a statement. Infrequently, the voice just gvies one word. Yesterday, I heard just the name "Oliver" as I was nodding off. This phenomena happens only when I take a nap or when I am a passenger in a car and nod off. It usually does not happen when I go to sleep at my normal bedtime in the evenings.
    The words I hear have no relationship to anything that I read, watch on TV, hear on radio, talk about with friends, etc.

    25. This actually happens to me nearly every day. Usually for me though it is more than a sentence, sometimes an entire thought (several sentences), but that I can rarely remember when I awaken again. Also sometimes I've just heard my name. Now that I think of it, there have been instances of hearing only one sentence, usually in the imperative form.

    No, I don't think you need to see a doctor, unless these voices are NEGATIVE

    26. I have had the same sort of thing for a little while.
    As i am falling asleep, anywhere, usually at night, i begin to pick up a lot of different voices, some of which sound like the voices of people that i know, but it is hard to just listen to one when there is a lot of chatter
    i think i could learn to control it, the problem is, whenever i begin to hear it, i panic, and try to forget it

    27. Hi all--I have had this quite often--Many examples too--Most the time when I was falling asleep, but one time when I was doing the dishes and the house was quiet. It was like a man was standing right behind me and says, "John, 32, OK, fire, car" That is exactly how it went. I thought,"what the heck?"

    Just about every night, I hear something. Sometimes one word, other times a whole sentence. When this happens, it is like I have this surge of energy pass through my body that starts at my head and goes to my feet. Like I have put my finger in a light socket. If I concentrate to hear more, it is gone. It seems to happen when I am not thinking about hearing it! I love going to bed because I am always curious on what is going to happen.

    27. That's normal. When you here the voices, you're already sleeping. Hearing such voices is just a form of dreaming. You may not think you're sleeping but you are. Technically, they're called hypnagogic hallucinations.




    I also get this and I am petrified!!! I hear snippets or sentences in my own voice when im waking up etc. I am scared that they are conversations happening in the future and my anxious mind is picking them up now, is that even possible?

    What is going on, are these random sentences in the hypnagogic state from the future i.e. converstations and setences that are to come i,.e that people will have with me, is that even possible?

    I am so scared!

  7. #7
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Have you ever considered seeking some guidence from a psychic medium? Your experiences seem some what spiritual and maybe even snippets from past lives.
    Just a thought

  8. #8
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    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep


    You probably have the same thing as me, I dont think im Pshychic or anyting i just am having an overactive mind that wont calm down. If i have nothing to think about while going to bed, i get random words and letters.

    Its most likely to be a hypnagogic state. I hope all this expeirences and information helped you alot. Dont be afraid. when ever you are afraid just read trough this forum to lessen the anxious mind. It allso helps me to re read things because i forget most of them the next day and i get anxious again.

    Thanks for commenting

  9. #9
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    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    My Diary


    Random mind chattering, sooo annoying, when i try to stop it by thinking of nothing in my head making it empty, the more i have them. I can only stop them for 10 seconds at the most. I dont know why it happends, i am aware that im having them and im also aware that im sleepy at the same time. I was scared at the time. this lasted for about 20 minutes because the worry is putting me off sleeping.

    NOW - 22:00pm

    Affraid of going to sleep!


    Yayyy, Only had a tiny one today which lasted 6 seconds, i had alot on my mind and had all my concentration on somthing elce.
    Last edited by JustBenn; 05-09-10 at 12:57.

  10. #10
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    Re: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    to be continued............

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    Last Post: 21-09-08, 01:02
  3. am i hearing voices?
    By joe524 in forum Health Anxiety
    Replies: 6
    Last Post: 27-02-06, 19:58
  4. hearing voices
    By sassy187 in forum Health Anxiety
    Replies: 10
    Last Post: 06-02-06, 04:09

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