About two or three weeks ago I developed a really sore wrist on my left arm. Then my entire arm got sore and felt a bit week. I work at a computer all day, so I wasn't overly worried. Then the following week the finger on my right hand became really sore, soon followed by the same finger on the right hand. At this stage I was worried that I might have rheumatoid arthritis so I went to see a doctor. She did some basic tests (had me try to crush her fingers, push her hands down, resist her pushing down on my arm etc) and concluded that I was merely adopting the wrong posture at work. In the past week, I've gotten a new chair, desk and keyboard at work and am using my laptop computer at home much, much less. My hands feel much better.

However, my left arm still feels quite week, or stiff (although there is no loss of function - I'm typing at 40wpm here). Two days ago in work I noticed a muscle twitching in my face. It happened again later that night. Last night, one of the muscles in my left arm (near the wrist) started twitching and it twitched again when I woke up this morning. The twitching probably only lasted a couple fo minutes either of the times. Of course, then I went and looked up muscle twitching on Google and one of the first results is MND/ ALS, which I already have a terrible fear of as my uncle died from it a couple of years back at only 60.

I know that I suffer from health anxiety. Over the past couple of years I've been convinced that I have brain tumor, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer and leukemia among others. But that still does nothing to reassure me. I am terrified that this is the one I'm not imagining. I don't know what I should do. Should I wait and see if it happens more often? Should I go back to the doctor and feel silly about it? I hate feeling this way as the anxiety destroys the time I should be enjoying with my young children. I'm 34 and male.