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Thread: bottle of water

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    bottle of water

    Do any of you ALWAYS carry water with you? I can't go anywhere without it- i really dont know why! let me know. Take Care. x


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I take water in the car with me to mix with rescue remedy if I need it. I also take a fizzy drink with me too, so you are not unusual.

    It is nice to have water to drink when your mouth gets dry isn't it?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I always carry water - CBT man told me I need to stop - but what if I get thirsty!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hi H,

    me and my dad ALWAYS take water wiv us whereva we go, i take it in the bathroom, shoppin, to me bruvs, to bed, even to the me mates just to knock for them. newhere. so its cool that u take it wiv u and i dont see y u shud stop takin it..its not hurtin ne1, even tho its a pain always carryin it round.

    take care xx hugs Rachel xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Helen

    I ALWAYS have a bottle of water with me, i think its become permanently attached. Ive even been known to put a small bottle in my pocket going into a club or pub (as if im not going to be able to get a drink in there????).
    At least its a comfort and a bottle of water is nothing to be embarrassed about..its not like we are carrying our favourite cuddly toy around eh?

    love Sarah

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I expect that the reason he told you to stop carrying it is to see if you can cope without it. A bit like the person (me included) that carries some medication with them at all times just in case they need it. I have had 3 Diazepam in my bag for 3 years now and never take them but they are there if I need them I guess.

    He is just trying to stop you relying on things in case they aren't there one day.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I agree Nic, CBT therapist don't like crutches - even if it is a harmless bottle of water!!!

    I remember he asked me what I done when I got a bad panic attack - I told him I sat on the bathroom floor (cool lino) and calmed down. he told me to stop doing that. ( i think it was incase I didn't have a cool bathroom floor one time and I totally freaked!) I have had panics outwith my house and had no lino but still 'survived'!!!

    Anyway - You could be carrying worse things than water - so if it helps why not eh!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya all,

    I agree with Lucky, it's no big deal!

    Just go with what makes YOU feel more secure.

    Kate x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , USA.
    Hey HB

    I CAN"T be without my water lol, sounds so wierd but it relieves my anxiety a lot especially with the feeling that i cant breath or my throat is closing up. I carry water with me everywhere with a straw. It's funny that you posted about this, I though i was the only one that did this and now i see a lot of you do too.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    When I was getting better we went on a 'hike' in the Peak District. A couple of miles in to it I went to get out my beloved bottle of water and discovered we had both forgotten to put it in the pack.

    Instantly I felt the anxiety welling up - what if we get stuck in freak weather for 3 days etc etc. Gary refused point blank to turn back so I eventually plodded on but was not happy but vowed to get on with it.

    Luckily, a couple of miles further on there was an icecream van and I was able to replenish stocks.

    It taught me I could survive without having it close by at all times. I do always have some in the car- but then I always did so am happy with that.

    I think we often learn that we can manage without something following a lapse of concentration of our own making. I now think that I wasn't really as fussed as I thought about the water or I'd have checked more carefully.


    "Come to the edge."
    "We can't. We're afraid."
    "Come to the edge."
    "We can't. We will fall!"
    "Come to the edge."
    And they came.
    And he pushed them.
    And they flew.

    - Guillaume Apollinaire

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