In a bit of a state right now. I know I'm freaking myself out but I'm finding it really hard to stop. About 3 times this week I have suddenly felt like my heart has stopped for a few seconds. It's been when I'm just sitting there or walking calmly along. I feel a weird feeling and just have a sense my heart has stopped, so I panic and put my finger to my pulse but I can't feel it. Then I can feel it again a few seconds later. I don't know whether my heart really does stop or whether I'm in a panic so I imagine that my pulse isn't there / fumble around not being able to feel where it is. I don't pass out or feel dizzy or breathless or anything, but it is terrifying thinking that my heart has just stopped.

I don't know what to do about it. I had an ECG a little while ago and it was normal. I feel like I want to go to A&E but I know they would just do another ECG and find it normal. My boyfriend is at work and my parents are out... Just need someone to reply please.