Has anyone got any suggestions in helping concentration levels?

Mine at present seems to be nil!!

I have bought about a trillion self help books the most recent of which is "Feel the fear and do it anyway".

I have read the book once but I can't seem to keep my mind concentrated on the information. I wander off and realise that I have read a whole page and no information whatsoever has sunk in.

I can read half a book and then realise I can't remember anything that I have read!

I'm the same when people are telling me things. I will nod in all the right places but as soon as they have finished speaking I can't remember a word of the conversation.

I want to read the "feel the fear.." book again cos from the tiny snippets I have remembered, it seems dead good!

But I want to be able to really take the information on board without having to re read each sentance!

Any suggestions?

Kate x