I suffer with ibs so I'm used to bowel pains and wind. In the past I've had trapped wind too, up by my heart.
Friday night I felt a niggle of trapped wind around the side of left breast area, had it loads of times and it wasn't bothering me much so carried on and just took gaviscon. All week I'd been busy and eaten very little, skipped meals etc.... Also I'd been wheat free and my gp put me back on wheat for a month, as of last Tuesday, so he can do a coeliac test in December, he said I have to eat it for a month.

Then Friday over night it got worse, I couldn't lie on my side, I had to sleep propped up. If I sat up and massaged the area I hiccuped or trumped. I had it all yesterday, aswell as my bowels popping like crazy. I ate as normal but that didn't help.

I slept better last night but it's still there at side of my left breast, practically under my armpit and slightly into left shoulder. My bowels are bubbling too, it's like I'm totally riddled with gas all over and I can't calm it down:(((

Being a worrier I've had myself upset that it's something more serious like pancreatitis, but my friend is a nurse and age said its far too high to be that and I'm not running a fever. She thought as it hurts when I bend, stretch, lie down etc... That it's not only wind but muscular?

Has anyone suffered like this and can reassure me? I know I have in past had trapped wind but I'm worried.

I'm taking colofac, peppermint, gaviscon, but none have helped it