Hi All,

I have just finished reading a book called 'Join Me' by Danny Wallace. It's a very good and funny read and I certainly recommend it. Anyway, the basic gist of the book is that the author asked people to join him in performing random acts of kindness. To join you just send a passport photo and try to do a good deed every Friday - you become one of the Karma Army! There are more details etc at www.join-me.co.uk

You may be wondering what relevence this has to you...let me explain. You get a real kick out of doing something randomly nice for a complete stranger for no other reason than to bring some happiness into their lives. It gives you a feeling of worth, confidence and a boost to your self esteem to do something so simple that can make someone else's day. I think a lot of problems to do with depression, anxiety etc can stem from low self esteem and confidence and I thought this was a great way to give yourself a boost. I don't mean to make light of depression, anxiety etc - I know you might be thinking 'It'll take a hell of a lot more than that to help me'. But no drugs, no cost, no doctors...just making the world a better place and boosting your own esteem into the bargain. What do you have to lose?

Anyway sorry about the ramble (those of you used to my long silences in the chat room will be stunned ;^)). But check out the website and try and read the book if you can. I did and suddenly I feel like I have something to live for and I feel better about myself already.

Andy (Joinee Hobbs!)