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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    About me

    Hi I,m new and thought i.d post a little about me

    Anyone relate to this ? I cant seem to face interactions with people of any kind , used to be fun and life and soul but over the last 15 - 20 years things have gone downhill , now just thinking of talking to people gives me unbearable anxiety which my doctor says has caused depression . I cant do meetings i cant go for a beer i cant even go shopping i constantly make excuses for not doing stuff and as a result have lost everyone .
    Some how i run a ok business which depends on people who work for me but if it wasnt for them i,d be in big trouble . Family think im miserable and unfriendly but in reality i want to be close to them but just cant .
    Ive tried cbt and hypnotherapy but they were no help , ive recently started a course of Citalopram which at the moment is making me feel worse but i know the side effects will pass and hope they along with a lifestyle change will help , i feel like its last chance saloon ! .
    I really feel like i gotta dive in and talk to people even though my brain says no , inside i still feel theres a happy man trying to get out

    Does that make any sense or shall i pack my bags for the funny farm ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: About me

    I keep saying it in my replies to people that Citalopram was my saving grace. It took me back from a long dark few years where I could just function and no more , I dont know how I got through those early days. I managed to go to work but I was on adrenalin all the time , I would drive home and stay home untill I had to go back to work , I shopped on line and hardly saw anyone making excuses that I was busy, Truth was I needed all the energy I had just to go to work. I found this place and from then on and with advice and support just bit the bullet and took meds and i have never looked back. Now my life is as it was before , I have my confidence back and my zest for life that i always had. So dont give up hope , the meds will kick in and the side effects dont last. Let us know how you are doing

    Paige xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: About me

    I can totally relate to your post Paige , thanks for reply , it gives me hope !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: About me

    Blade you do make sense,and I totally understand your fears.

    I know that my lack of socialising both at work and with extended family,make me appear to be unfriendly and cold. However I can now socialise in very small groups and I have accepted that I will always be intimidated by crowds.

    Don't try and force youself to do massive steps as I know from experience that it can cause even more panic.Try one to one socialising,or a trip to a small familiar shop when you know it will be quiet.Little steps at a time can give you such a confidence boost.

    It is also helpful to know you are not alone with your fears.I really did think I was abnormal,but after reading other people's problems I know alot of people suffer in silence and I am not alone.

    Loreen x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: About me

    Hello Blade,

    I just wanted to welcome you to No More Panic. I totally understand how you feel. I have extreme social anxiety. Unfortunately if you withdraw from people it just gets worse and worse. Your world gets smaller and smaller and becomes a very lonely and boring place to be. I had one heck of a panic attack one day years ago going out to collect a parcel from my post lady and since then haven’t even been able to face her. She leaves the parcels in a box by the back gate now. Part of me sees how sad that is but it is hard to climb out of this mire when you feel such fear.

    Lately I think I have been getting a teeny bit better though. I had to go to the dentist 4 times in the past 3 months and am going again on Wednesday. I think I feel slightly less nervous than I did the first time I went.

    I have started to try to say ‘yes’ to things and am now looking forward to a friend coming from abroad in a few week’s time. Although I am very nervous about being nervous in front of her I’m going to do it. The desire to see her is stronger than my desire to protect myself from public embarrassment. I know I will be shaking etc but part of me is saying, ‘So What!’ I think those two words just might hold the key to me getting out of this lonely life. I hope they work for you too. Dive away!
    Belief is the strongest magic of all

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: About me

    Hi Blade and
    You're doing all the right things in looking for help and you're quite right to give the anti-depressants some time to work - the first few weeks can be very difficult and can make you feel far worse b efore you feel better. Hopefully they will give you the space to find more confidence to start to make the changes which you want to make.

    Although I don't have social anxiety, I can relate to your situation and recognise only too clearly the vicious circle you're describing - situations make you anxious so you avoid them, making you more anxious so you avoid more and more situations until you feel really isolated. I can tell that you know that it's only you who can make the changes and I think you'll find the ADs will help you to face your fears and start to beat them.

    I have to say that I admire you for running your own business. You say that its success is down to the people who work for you but that can't be 100% the case. You have to take credit and it really shows you have a lot of strength to be able to do that whilst feeling like you do. Quite inspiring actually and I'd be interested in you telling us a bit more about it.

    It's by no means time to pack your bags for the funny farm yet! If everyone on here who felt like you did that, this forum would be empty and the funny farm very full.

    Take care and let us know how you're getting on.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: About me

    Had the wierdest wierdest dreams last night , kept waking me up , i,m sure its to do with the citalopram !

    Paige , how long before you felt any benefits from the citalopram and how long did the side effects last what dosage were you ?

    Loreen , did you explain to your familiy your problem , i havent , they just think i,m miserable and dont wanna mix with them i think

    Rane, I had a similar experience with my physio , had a major panic attack and not been able to see him since , i also have problems with , people i percieve to be in power , just cant handle it

    Pipkin , I started buisiness about 20 years ago and luckily ive got some decent people who do virtually everything needed when it comes to meeting people , i mainly deal with paperwork and wages and chasing money now , i would love to get back involved hands on but i cant see it happening in the near future

    I like holidays , i always seem more comfortable in the sun when theres no one around i might know so i tend to do that quite a lot , although the airports are becoming a major problem , and the plane trip is agony , need lots of dutch courage to get on the plane .

    Its nice to know there are other people with the same problems , i,m off for a assesment with the mental health team this afternoon to see what help there is for me , its only recently ive been able to say that as i always think that if i say mental health to anyone they will think i,m a propper nutter , maybe i am !
    Last edited by Blade; 21-02-12 at 13:43.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: About me

    Good luck this afternoon

    I too hate the term mental health as it sounds like I am going mad!

    However I think the recent adverts on tv and radio are helping people to understand that mental health covers everything from panic to autism.

    To answer your question,no I haven't told my extended family about my problems,just my immediate family.Some how I feel more comfortable with it like that.Probably because I know some of them just wont get it!

    You are so like me!! I get very intimidated by people-even my childrens teachers, most of whom are so young I could be their Mum !!!
    I too enjoy holidays.There is something comforting about knowing the people you meet will never see you again!

    Hope all goes well today

    Loreen x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: About me

    Chin up Blade. You can do it! Not having the best day myself but determined not to be defeated.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: About me

    Thanks pipkin but ill be glad when this one over

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