when i get panicky i get hot flushes and feel sick and start getting all sorts of weird thoughts like not beibg able to cope. cope with what i dont know. reading alot of other posts alot of people experience pulpatations and breathlesness which is 1 thing i dont get. does anybody else get this?
also find it very difficult to go places. generally alright once i get there its just getting there thats the problem. i get panicky being at home on my home while hubby's at work and kids at school.i also have a few health problems, i have problems with my mobility cant walk very far when i do i use 2 sticks.
so i know that dosn't help my panick attacks just feel so tired and fed up with it all. go on holiday in august and getting panicky about that (how sad is that). just feel like i'm loosing it sometimes!
any advice would be great