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Thread: A road of pain ahead

  1. #1

    A road of pain ahead

    Hi All,

    Back to say hello and share stories after 2 years off the site...
    just over 2 years ago I started taking lexapro and xanax to combat anxiety and depression. The meds worked really well after the ininital week of hell and I began a slow but steady road to recovery...
    1 year ok , I met an amazning girlfriend (which while suffering axeity / depression never ever thought would happen) who I had been in a relantionship till 2 days ago... She broke up with me... Alot to do with my inability to let go & trust.
    Even though the meds have helped me over the last 2 years I never took the next steps to getting off them and to resolve the root cause of my issues..
    So, now that I am in a world of pain, I didn't realise heart break could be so so bad... I'm thinking now that I've a couple of months depression & recovery ahead so why bother take the lexapro , just bite the bullet and stop it now... Does anyone think this is a good idea..?
    I am also going to try conselling, CBT which I haven't before... If anyone has any thoughts please fire them my way...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi W00dsie

    We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

    Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by W00dsie View Post
    why bother take the lexapro , just bite the bullet and stop it now... Does anyone think this is a good idea..?
    I think that's a bad idea. You've got so much on your plate at the moment, you've been hit with something that would challenge even the strongest people who have not been recovering from anxiety and depression as you have. This is the time when you might most need this medication, and stopping it will also bring other issues (withdrawal effects). If you're really not happy to continue taking the Lexapro then speak to your GP for help, discuss this first, explore the options. But why not keep on it and keep the status quo, give yourself time to try and heal from these recent events, then when things settle down, that's the time to consider maybe changing or stopping. The less complications you have at the moment the better I think.

  4. #4

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Yea, your totally right Ingenious.. thanks for replying.
    My mind is all over the place, I shouldn't change things... Just have to deal with the heartache/depression normally and then when I get to grips with that try and get off all meds.. I'm just so sick of drugs and feeling like I have chemicals instead of blood....
    Rang a low cost conselling service and was talking to a guy there for 5 mins... It helped... Spent too much of my life bottling bad stuff up thinking that was the man's way... It didn't work.! Going to try and talk...
    Thanks again for the reply.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Definately wouldnt recommend coming off meds, until you are in a good strong place in your life... Like said you dont want to add withdrawl to the mix right now.
    CBT is worth a try, just talking it all through will be good for you.. and they will give you coping mechanisms and a different way of thinking about things that can be holding you back..
    .....when all is said and done and we come to the end of our lifes journey, posessions will have no meaning, and the only important questions will be 'was i loved and did i love enough?'.....

  6. #6

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Cheers , thanks Stormsky... I'm keep on the meds, your right, things are hard enough at the moment...
    I thought I had forgotten how to cry the last couple of days. been so long.. A 5 min chat on the phone and its all I can do to hold back buckets of tears at work.. its weird..

  7. #7

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Hi there.. heart break is a horrible thing to go through and is very painful..but a good thing is you are not alone..everyone experience it,so finding someone to talk to about who understands will help alot and although it doesnt feel like it right will get better.. i really do reccomend helped me so much when i felt so lost and no one could help me..week by week i saw inprovements in myself and my panic got under definitly go for the CBT. Takecare

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Hi there and back!

    I know what you're going through and how devastating it can feel. You certainly sound very logical and I know that you'll be fine in the long run. As you say, you've just got a couple of difficult months ahead.

    I agree with the other posters - the meds will help you and now isn't a good time to stop though I can understand what you're saying. Stick with them and have a think about it again in a few months. Now could be a good time to take stock and think about how to deal with the root cause of your anxiety.

    Take care and keep in touch

    Pip x
    Not drowning, but waving

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  9. #9

    Re: A road of pain ahead

    Thanks Lilyraine and Pip..
    Your comments really do help, going to my first counselling session in a couple of hours now so hopefully get moving on down that road of pain..

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