Lifestyle changes are probably the biggest thing you can do in order to fight HA, at least that's been the case for me.

I've recently started on my new routine and feel a lot better already.

* Wake up 6:15 am (When it gets darker, sleep for longer)
* Do some morning stretches for about 15 mins before going running or whatever exercise I do to really wake up
* Return and cool down
* Breakfast with plenty of fruit and a supplement to get the essential vitamins covered so there's no worries there.
* If there's time before work, do meal prep for the days ahead or something else that's productive and relaxing.
* Go out to work. Since I have an hour's journey, I've started to use the time to write.
* Work - Take breaks, get fluids, eat well, etc.
* Return home, do some organising and sorting out, getting good food in your gut with time to spare. Evening stretches and exercise to help out as well, not as intense as the morning.

Hopefully I can keep this going, depending on what I'm doing on any given day it'll vary but for now this is what I need to do. I have a full list of exercises to do as well so I don't miss out or forget.