Hi Guys,

I been told by people that i dont drink enough water.. and now its got me worried.

for years i have never felt like i need a drink and cant ever say i drink water.. unless its got a flavor in it.

now i started to notice kidney pains and get worried theres summat wrong with me coz i dont ever feel the need to drink or drink loads.

I started to try and drink a liter of water a day and im finding it realy hard.

a normal water intake would be

juice/milk in morning
3 cups of tea/coffe
coke or sprite with lunch
3-4 more cups of tea/coffee

pint of flavored juice with tea. maybe a small drink of fruit juice/beer at night

on average

looking at that i drink alot of tea/coffee.

no i need to be worried or is this something i have simply picked up on anxiety wise since someone pointed it out?