Hi all,
I'll try not to go on too much! I am a 33 year old woman who has a condition called fibromyalgia (which basically means I have terrible muscle pain and feel very weak and trembly most of the time). I have lived with this for five years. About 8 weeks ago I had a flare up which was so bad I could hardly get out of bed and I thought I was going to die. I have been to see a specialist who thinks I need more tests to rule out other things. I had some blood tests and then I received a letter which said they found something and I need to have the test repeated in 3 months. I also have to go into hospital to have an EMG test which means they will put 10 needles in my muscles and put an electric current in them to see if my muscles react normally. Since all this has happened I have completely lost all my confidence. I am so weak I can hardly stand which makes me terrified of having to go out to appointments etc. Getting the letter which said they found something in my blood test with NO EXPLANATION has made me sick with worry, and I am also terrified about the EMG test in hospital because I am scared I will have a panic attack. I am also scared of the long wait in the waiting room as I find those situations difficult. The night before my appointment with the specialist was awful, I had sickness (and the runs), awful butterflies and I had no sleep. How can I cope with all this worry hanging over me, and how do I cope with the panic attacks in waiting rooms? Please help. Nobody understands. My family keep telling me to pull myself together, and my Doctor says I should try not to be defeatest.