I know this is a common topic, but its driving me crazy. For the last three years i get this pain/ache in my left pelvic area and hip. Sometimes it shoots down my leg. I was terrified and it took me long time to go to the doctor. He knows me pretty well and assured me it was my anxiety but if it would make me feel better he would send me for an xray or MRI. I did not get the scan and i felt better at the time, but it keeps recurring. Of course now im thinking the worst! Second guessing the doctor like i always do. It comes and goes, disappearing for months at a time and then coming back again. Im really worried and I hate going to the doctor again. Im preocupied with it all day. I wake up in the morning and do a full body check to see whats aching today, is'nt that crazy? I'm looking for things that hurt! Of course my mind is reeling because I new this guy who had bone cancer in his leg. The doctor assured me this is not the case. Has any one else had something like this? This is just one of a variety of symptoms i have. Do you wake up in the morning and take inventory of whats out of whack with your body today? I wish i could just shake this once and for all.
