Hi All
Well I've had some success. I went on holiday to kent to see my daughter. A 3 hour train journey.
I was a bit panicky on the first train going with palpitations all the way but by the time I got on the second one I was oK.
Well while I was away I was ill. I get bad headaches/migraines and had one and couldnt travel home.
Got a bit panicky cause I didnt know where we would be able to stay but as luck would have it the B and B had the room vacant for a few more days.
So we had 2 extra days and I was oK. What i dreaded wasnt so bad at all. I could rest in bed the same as at home so I dont think I will be so worried about it next time.

The Journey home was OK too a lot better than last time.
Now am planning another 3 hour trip to see relatives in a couple of weeks.
I tried to just let the symptoms come and not worry about them and it worked after a while but it was hard to do.
Not as easy as it seems when reading the books etc but it does work if you keep at it.
I'm trying to keep going out and will let you know how it goes.
Hope you all are having a better week