After managing to overcome my health anxiety and living happily without it for about 7-8 months. It has come slowly creeping back and I am so, so disappointed with myself.

My health anxiety was badly triggered when my mum suddenly passed away.

This turned my world upside down.

I noticed the signs of it coming back after getting ill in Portugal. Slightly ill.

I have started worrying about things again, going back to the DR's, the optitions, checking if people are still alive during their sleep... I didn't realise how slowly it was all creeping back.

And now I have spent the duration of today examining my tonsils, convinced I have tonsil cancer. One of them is enlarged and has red, inflamed, large blister type shapes on it.

I am in complete despair because I feel like I'm back at square 1 again after all my hard work. I was so convinced i'd never suffer from health anxiety again.

I just need some words of encouragement and understanding. Because no one else understands. And the guy I'm with at the moment actually gets SO frustrated, so quickly at any signs of me worrying.

Help me please, anyone :(