I've been dealing with lower left abdominal pain for about 9 years now. I had a barrage of tests initially and was given the all clear. Once I was given the news that I wasn't going to die and it was stress related, the pain went away and only came back occasionally. Each time, I was able to tell myself "this pain is in your mind, the docs said you're fine" and it would subside.

Well, it's back... Pain in the mid/lower left area of the abdomen and sometimes around to my back, not sharp, but dull and gnawing, like severe hunger, however, it feels too low to be my stomach. Then there is a lot of gurgling in the area followed by relief. Anyone familiar with this type of episode?

I'm worried about going to my doctor and starting all the tests over again. I'm not one who runs to doctors, I tend to run from them instead...

Thanks in advance - Tom

He who conquers himself has won a greater victory than he who conquers a city.
- Proverbs