Well Im here yet again with the old PALPS.... Dad was taken to Hospital last Sunday with Pnumonia and while he was there they said his heart had gone irregular with the effect of the fluid on his lungs.....so guess what !!!!! Since he has been diognosed im feeling like mine is fluttering.... But i take my pulse and it is ok, I got my husband to listen and he said ... well its fine ... normal rythum... but i can feel bubbling sensations....Husband says it is wind because it tends to go when i do a burp... I just am sick of them coming and going!...when Dad was in there I was strong but I think the stress of it all is hitting me now. Other night heart was pounding in bed like a cartoon character....want it to end... had a really good weeek the week before... hardly any awareness of my beats then wham ... every piggin beat.... I KNOW IT IS ANXIETY but I still get scared!