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Thread: Facebook and Anxiety

  1. #11

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    You're definitely not alone, I'm becoming irrationally bitter and envious of the success/fun other people are having. I had to delete Facebook and LinkedIn after spending a whole evening looking up former classmates to gauge how well everyone had done since graduation. Needless to say, it was not a fun exercise! Anxiety is enough to deal with, I can't continue to allow things like that to make me feel worthless too.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    I think the idea of face book is great BUT it's turned into a showing off BOASTING competition and a bitching ground - in my opinion. I think the primary vision of face book as been pushed aside to make way for it simply turning into a talent show 'LOOK AT ME' website!

    Personally I've never bothererd & as times gone on, it's transpired that the majority of people simply - show off- FORGET it!!!

    It's interesting though your comment about how down it can make you feel - thinking everyone's life's soooooo rosey! I dont like it because i dont find the need nor have time to constantly state the last time i went to the toilet OR what i had for my lunch! In fact i find it VERY COMMON!!!!!LOOK a lot of this comes down to what I've said above - the pics might look like something out of HELLO mag BUT come on a lot is simply BRAG BRAG BRAG and exaggeration! I think most on there get a perverse kick out of making their life look soooo so good and knowing certain people will look and see all their pics etc.

    Lots of hugs love - REMEMBER no ones life is perfect X

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    Keep in mind people, it's only a website, nothing more, nothing less. And remember, there's a little "x" in the upper right hand side of the screen that makes it all go away with a click


  4. #14

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    I've been on and off Facebook three times. I'm with the original poster as seeing people who used to bully me at school and then on the other hand seeing people who seem to be moving on with their lives, while I'm not (even though they're probably hiding horrible things in their lives), grips my depression and forces me down. I'm no longer on it and I feel better for it.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    Facebook is full of morons. They should change the name to Brag Book,because it's full of show offs thinking they are important in their narrow minded worlds - I think it's a great experiment for realising who are the T*ss*rs amongst your friends to steer well clear of

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    I stay away from Facebook had a bebo when it was popular but hardly used it.

    I never even bothered to set one up before my anxiety kicked in but just because its not for me and cant really be bothered with it. Don't really get the whole idea i would rather talk with friends face to face or over the phone etc.

    Without sounding selfish or ignorant I couldnt really care less what half the people who I went to school with etc are having for their dinner or where they are on holiday, seems like its for people who think they are chocolate and what to rub it in.

    Dont get me wrong its good to stay in touch with friends and family who maybe live in another country etc but most people I think just abuse it.

    Its a shame you have to use it, remember though you can always delete the people who are getting to you or dont add them in the first place if its going to cause upset and anxiety. My record was two weeks on facebook few years back then it was gone.

  7. #17

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    I have reverse FB anxiety. Everyone at work keeps asking if I'm on it and when I tell them I'm not they expect an explanation as to why. I just don't have the heart to tell them that it's because when I was on there my friends list was empty.

  8. #18

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    I struggle with this too, but I feel like I can't delete it because it's the easiest way of staying in contact with people.
    I'll see people go out and make something of their lives, and it makes me feel so inadequate. I see people upload pictures and it makes me feel more insecure about myself. All in all I'm really not a fan - however, the hiding posts idea is a good one - never thought of that!
    *big hugs to everyone*

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    Vincent - Just say you haven't got Facebook because the majority who do have Facebook are the great unwashed CHAVS who use it as a platform to try and show off their unimportant lives, and that makes it classless. They won't ask you again :P

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Facebook and Anxiety

    Hi I would like to say that only this week I have deleted my account I have spent the last 5 years sitting reading status updates and looking at photos of people .its funny as really none of them are people i see like you they are people from school id rather forget.
    i feel hurt when someone from my facebook friends list walks by and doesn't even say hello or acknolege me .
    i find it hard to seeing x boyfriends with girlfriends and families just because they were part of my life once too !
    im happier now i have done the deed facebook is a black hole and does not help my anxiety atall when i see friends went out without me i think spending time with real people reading watching tv or just going for a walk is far healthier than facebook X

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