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Thread: sore throat

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.
    Hi Alison,

    Could you please describe your symtoms a bit more to me please.

    Have you been tested for glandular fever as this causes white spots and will not react to anti-biotics?


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Deb thanks for replying - I did get to sleep eventually but now I have to go to work.

    I had a cold and sore throat about six weeks ago which I recovered from although I felt really congested for some weeks afterwards then mid October I noticed a tickle at the back of my throat on the right hand side and my ear felt stuffy. I saw a nurse who said I had an ear infection and prescribed ear drops. She said I had a red patch in my throat gargle with aspirin - which I did. However I had seen the white spo near my tonsils and I know tonsils get white spots so I didn't worry too much but I did ask her if Ihad any lumps in my throat and she said no. Then after nearly two weeks of feeling utterly wretched and poorly with a stuffy tingly right ear and a pain in my neck I think where my glands are I saw a doctor. She said I didn't have an ear infection but a white spot at the back of my throat - I immediately responded with "this is gong to frighten me I have health anxieties about cancer because I used to smoke". I have had no other tests I have been stupidly googling symptoms for throat cancer and can say I've got all of them - I am in a high state of anxiety -so much so I booked myself in privately to see an ENT consultant on Tuesday at 5pm - my doctor was going to refer me to a consultant to "rule out Cancer" but it would take two weeks to come through and I couldn't live with that wait and I am now terrified about what the appointment with the consultant on Tuesday will reveal - even though this is I suppose what I wanted!. Thanks and Love to you Deb

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello and welcome!

    Well done for not googling! I've been guilty of doing that in the past for lung disease/madness and even dementia (I'm nearly 22 so i don't need to point out the stupidity in that) but I resist the urge now!

    It sounds as though you have had a bout of tonsilitits. i suffered with that alot. White spots are normal. Ironically, i used to find having a white spot on my tonsil quite reassuring as I used to believe that a tickly sore throat meant choking was just around the corner. When the white spot appeared I knew it was just tonsilitis again, but everyone's anxiety is different! Hehe!

    Take care!

    Alison P xXx


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone - I just thought I'd let you know that the white spot on back of my throat is a common or garden cyst. My consultant says he sees them everyday and there is nothing to worry about. I have spent something like three weeks in a high state of anxiety thinking that I had throat cancer and making things worse through self diagnosing by googling symptoms - I would read something - then get the symptoms. It's amazing what the mind can do

    I looked in the mirror today and saw my face worn out with anxiety and cares and I wonder where it was that I lost myself in so much fear and why I do this to myself.

    With love to you all and thanks for your support Alison

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Glad you got it sorted in the end and got to the bottom of it all.

    So will the cyst go away on its own then?


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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Alison.

    Yeah my biggest advice is never to google any symptoms for illness. Ive done it in the past and its never a good thing to do because the results are generic and vauge and if people are looking for answers (especially with illness) its instingtive to jump to conclusions which is always a bad idea. but hey, we all do it, its natural.

    I agree with others, it is most likely tonsilitus and if your GP thought it was anything more you would have been referred to a specialist immediately. Its a positive sign that you've been put on anti biotics because if your Doctor had any real genuine consern for your welbeing he would have referred you to a specialist. But he/she hasnt, which is great

    Everything will be fine

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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: sore throat

    Hey, I've had tonsilitis for about 4 months now and its still not gone had bloods done swabs 6 courses of antibiotics and still nothing. I dont want them removed due to my A and PAs...

    My parents go away tomorrow for a week on holiday and Im dredding being alone :(:(:( I cant take it by myself :(

    I think that Im going to die from something related to the tonsilitis and ahving it for so long. and not sleeping.

    and that you can get these other deiseses from tonsilitis too

    I dunno what to do and need help :(

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: sore throat

    hello alison,im glad ya got some answers, i was gonna ask if they took a swab to see if it was strep throat which is common with a cold and can last for awile.see not too worry.wish ya the best.....Linda

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: sore throat

    PLEASE NOTE - this is an old post.

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  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: sore throat

    Hi Alison
    I have suffered like many of the others have too with health anxiety, but that's what this is i'm sure, sounds to me like tonsilitis, i have had it 4 or 5 times with white spots at the back of my throat and ones that have got bigger over days, don't google .......GARGLE get some honey and a frsh lemon and won't make you feel better but i bet the honey and lemon will help.
    Try to trust your doctor i'm sure she is trying to put your mind at rest

    Love Sharon

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