I am wondering if anyone has had psychotherapy or some other form of long-term counselling (not CBT) via the NHS? - If so how did you get this?

I went to see my university counsellor who did a very in depth assessment and went through my issues. At the end of the session they said I would benefit from long-term work with a psychotherapist, but unfortunately the university service is not suitable for me as they only do short term work on more specific problems.

The thing is everything seems to go through the "IAPT" service in my area and all they offer is 6 to 12 weeks of CBT (been there done that) or short-term counselling for specific things like bereavement.

I'm trying to push them to let me do some mindfulness course which I am told is available (link at the top of the forum I think), but while that may be helpful it isn't psychotherapy is it?

I feel very angry, frustrated and sad right now as I've basically been told by a professional that they know what could help me "enormously", but as far as I can tell there appears to be no way to access it. If I won the lottery I would go private but until that time there is no way I can afford £50 to £150 per weekly session for months or years.

Looks like my only option is trying different medication again.