Hi Everyone

Has anybody had the feeling, that something is stuck in their throat. I have had this for over a week now and it comes and goes. I have also had indigestion a couple of nights. It is always late at night, and the feeling always goes away after a few burps (sorry). I did also have some burning acid come up into my mouth, this week.

I have a folic acid deficiency and have not been taking many of my tablets - should take 5mg once a day, but this has been too much in the past, and I ended up in a mess, with all sorts of tingling, pins and needles, and my folate level was way too high. Anyway, I know that folic acid deficiency can cause gastro symptoms. Has anyone heard it can cause indigestion? Since the beginning of this week, I have started to take my folic acid tablets again, in case it is because of this.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
