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Thread: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

  1. #1

    Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Hello. I have HIV/lymph node swelling anxieties. Even though I tested 6 months conclusively negative I can't seem to believe it as I had a bad viral infection 5-6 weeks after a sexual encounter. Lymphatic nodes in every part my body swelt up I had night sweats fever diahrrea loss appetite you name it I had ever classical sign except sore throat and rash. I went to the doctors he wasn't very nice and seemed to want me out quite quick he tilt my head forward and did something under my chin I felt two little stones move. He said yeah swollen glands. I had 2 other doctors feel they said they felt nothing but didn't use the same method. Yesterday I was at work and noticed them again they haven't got bigger and they are hard to find unless I go looking for them under my chin. I believe there called submandibular lymph nodes. I first started to panic and think they must of got my HIV results wrong and went into anxiety mode. After a little feel they are no bigger than 1cm and according to sites this is normal Size. I'm basically looking for reassurance that 1cm is normal and lymphs can be felt under there When there isn't anything wrong. There no bigger than 1cm little hard moveable peas. I even went to a ENT specialist few Weeks ago and he felt my neck and didn't mention anything. I had a doctor check my neck for persistent swollen glands as a was still worried about HIV and he said there's nothing. I'm guessing there just normal size. Any help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Nodes are a hot spot for a lot of people with HA.

    Here's the thing. I don;t know what anyone here can really say that "I tested 6 months conclusively negative" hasn't already. That and the fact you've had 2 doctors and an ENT tell you you're fine. Unless you're still engaging in unprotected sex there's no way you have HIV. And btw... 1cm nodes are totally normal. Stop poking and prodding them (that means now!) and they won't get irritated.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Hey thanks very much for getting back to me. I've been told that I am in the what if stage. I'm thinking things like what if they did the wrong test or what if the lab made a mistake. The girl I even engaged in unprotected sex with also gave me chlamydia! Which fueled the fire. she also tested after I told her of my illness and that was 6-8 weeks and was negative. In the uk, Scotland we use 4th generation Elisa assay and experts in Australia, and France say even 6 weeks is long enough with this test. I have a node in my neck where my muscle start to go to my shoulder and that was my reason to go to the ENT as that was protruding since the illness. He says it is the size it should be and is just possibly being pushed up by a muscle.he felt my neck for the rest and didn't feel anything else. I have always been a bit of a health worrier but now it's unreal.

    I just want my life back to normal where I am not always thinking HIV every time I have an illness.

  4. #4

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Test results overrule any 'symptoms'.
    You where negative at 6 months, if you've hsd no risks since then you are still negative.
    Believe your test results.

  5. #5

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Yeah thanks though easier said than done. I'm thinking stuff
    Ole the doctor said he hadn't filled out a new form before maybe he got it wrong and the lab checked for something else :( or the lab got it wrong and checked for something else:( full of what ifs

  6. #6

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    If it hasn't been mentioned already, don't persistently check them. It will only agrivate them. I had pain under my jaw 14 months ago and was convinced that my lymph nodes were enlarged. Pissed about and prodded them, and found they would ache even more after feeling for them. I must have got distracted for a few days and completely forgot about them. They still remain larger than the opposite side, but as long as I don't prod them they don't ache. At one point I was totally focused and assured in my own mind that there was something wrong.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    I feel your pain! I am terrified i have hiv. I had the test for it 2 days ago. I have a swollen lymph node under my arm. Im so scared :(

  8. #8

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Quote Originally Posted by SheilaH921 View Post
    I feel your pain! I am terrified i have hiv. I had the test for it 2 days ago. I have a swollen lymph node under my arm. Im so scared :(
    What was your risk?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    Unprotected sex with more than one person....

  10. #10

    Re: Lymph node/ HIV anxietys

    I will just copy a reply I did in a similar post. Hopefully it can give you comfort:

    I was tested recently, and the nurse who did it told me that they do 50 tests every day, which equals to well over 12,000 tests every year. You can assume that most of those 12,000 people have good reasons to test. Out of all those people they only have 25 who test positive. 25 people out of 12,000 - and not just 12,000 random people. 12,000 who has been exposed to a risk. That's only 0,002%!

    Please also note that even if you did have sex with an HIV-positive girl - which is highly unlikely - the risk of transmission per vaginal exposure is 0.04% (= 1 in 2380).

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