Has anyone ever taken Anafranil for panic disorder and GAD? If so, did it work well? I'm currently on 60mg of prozac and 1mg of Abilify. I believe the Prozac has pretty much done everything it can and the Abilify is making me extremely restless and anxious(to the point of panic). My pdoc discussed possibly switching to Anafranil as I have a pretty bad case of pure-o as well. I'm just at a loss on which direction to go next with my meds. I've thought about going back to Zoloft(which worked over 10yrs ago), try something completely new to the market(possibly Brintellix), or go with a TCA such as Anafranil. I've been on quite a few SSRIs(which most have worked) and one SNRI(Cymbalta). The Cymbalta worked as well, but eventually started losing it's effectiveness. Any thoughts or advice is greatly welcomed! Thanks!