Hello. I just wanted to post and see what suggestions you may have because I am at the end of my tether and am in a very dark place at the moment.
For a few years I have had a fear of choking on food which seened to get better. Then in May I had a panic attack while out shopping and thought I was having a stroke. Then a few days later I was eating some bran and I inhaled a bit and started my choking panic attack off again. I started on some Citalopram but that made my anxiety sky high as did the Mirtazapine so I only took 8 tablets. Then all hell broke loose as I remembered a story my brother told me about a guy in prison finding glass in his food. My mind seemed to latch onto that and now I am afraid there is glass or poison in food even though it is very unlikely. I cannot get that fear out of my head. I think I am going mad. My life seems to be getting more and more miserable. Is there any hope for me to recover from this as I am now depressed and can't see any way out of this. I am very scared and I do not know what to do. Sorry to be a burden with my woes. Thanks in advance for reafing.