Good morning. I just wanted to catch up with you and let you know what's going on here in South Central Georgia USA. When I begun telling you my story, I was falling apart. While there were a few things I could clang to, my world was a tattered mess of little victories surrounded by a sh#t load of defeats. But we persevered and today, while I'm far from being successful, I am enjoying some of the fruits of my labor.

I guess what comes to my mind is the fact that I still have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that people will accept who I am. I mean all of us here get the shared problem we all have, and your support is greatly appreciated. But when you put your fragile egos out there for the world to see, well you know. But I do what I do, rather for vanity or shear insanity. Like a burning passion, a need to say what I have to say.

I suppose the point of this is to say, life is scary and life is hard. But don't let that stop you from being all you can. I mean it only took me 50+ years to figure that out. Hopefully, it won't take you quite as long. Best to you all on your journey.