I am afraid of doctors.. and really even my nurse friend but she even always seems to think that im fine...just a little depressed..Ok..I know I went through months of this thing about hearing my heartbeat..By the way its not going away.. looks like its permanant ..Its not when I get upset or what you all think,its a continous condition that what i have heard happens to alot of people although exhertion and being upset makes it alot worse..I read where its the number one complaint in elderly people because as you get older your ability to hear outside sounds dimimish but you are able to hear more of what goes on in your body.. But well and it might well be that im like alot of elderly ..I have lost alot of weight..

The fact that I have lost so much worries me although im at the perfect weight..according to everywhere I can find on the charts..My doctors says great.. its good for my heart and for my blood pressure..Im not used to being this small and it worries me.I don't have the body mass it takes to do the things I used to do..I get tired really quick and don't know if its because I haven't done so much in the last few weeks.. I had the flu/sinus..and now instead of sitting down in the rest of the house I find myself just wanting to la in bed.Its where I feel the most comfortable.They say for you to get stronger and better you have to get up and get busy ,but when I get up and get busy my heart goes beserk..Which im sure is normal thats why people exercise but I still get scared.Now If i dont get away from not exercising I will get weaker and weaker..this worries me too.. I woke this morning from a sound sleep feeling bad..But of course with almost two feet of snow on the ground with more hanging in the air it may be normal for me to feel this way.I just want to curl up and sleep.That is so not me..

I get a buzzing sensation in my right chest when I use my muscles and sometimes when im not..this worries me about maybe an artery but I think its probably due to muscle spasm..I hope..Today I got out and moved our truck around and tried to use a rake to get the snow off ..When i came in my chest was buzzing and my neck and right arm and shoulder was hurting..I kept thinking about what the weather channel said about people having heart attack going into the cold to do a little physical work..It worried me so much I got weak..I don't know if its physical or its mental..Thats so confusing..

i get sensations of my arms not feeling right sometimes and wonder if the circulation is ok..i also get anxious for no reason at all..I have been to the doctors recently and they told me there is nothing wrong..this was before the sinus/flu...So guess I just had a flu thing and should be trying to get up and get going..I walk around alot during the day and doing alot more than I used to but get so tired..Like I said I woke today and was feeling so tired and got scared that I might never be better..It doesn't help to put your hand on your stomach and feel your hip bones although the doctor said that my weight was perfect no concern..My nurse friend as well,but she said quit losing..How am I suppose to do that..I am not trying to lose to start with and have lost over 40 pounds..I don't have that much of an apetite and only eat a little breakfast and generally a nice even meal.I don't eat sugar or snacks and I have some and find that sugar now makes me feel bad when I eat a snack..so I don't..

I just have a general ill feeling all the time especially if I do anything..is this caused from anxiety/depression? With the symptoms I have and the ones I have had while i had sinus I worry if it could be something more..but like I said that our nurse friend comes by every other day or so and says that im fine..Just need to get out and do more..With all this..I worry..how do you know if there is something seriously wrong or its just all anxiety..?I don't want to go through batteries of test and stuff ,because in the end i probably wouldn't believe them.My nurse friend im sure looks at anything about me that would tip her off to illness a