Hi there

I've been on every forum and written a message I think - can everybody and anyone else who feels like me let me know I'm not alone please, I feel like I am shaking all over but it's all inside and there is no evidence of this. I know I have felt like this before but I keep on convincing myself that there is something more sinister going on. Please tell me I'm not ill just feeling very nervous and stressed out, I feel like i'm going somewhere and have such bad butterflies in my stomach but the butterflies have butterflies if that makes any sense. Its affecting my arms too and legs and I feel like i'm shaking everywhere and to top it off I feel like my left arm is worse and this is waking me up at night and stopping me sleeping which is in turn making everything worse. I'm sure I know it's all just nerves and being over sensitive but I cannot believe it.

I am absolutely awful to live with and am snapping and moaning at everyone I care about which must make their lives unbearable as I seem to do nothing other than shout or cry - I feel if I give in to it I will shake uncontrollably, which I'm sure I wouldn't really but that is how I feel.

Please let me know if any one reading this feels the same at some time or another and give me a clue on how to get rid of it.
