Hello. I am a twenty year old woman who for the last eight months has suffered with severe anxiety mainly regarding my health and worries.
Over the past month alone, I have been to my local GP surgery four times - two for my heart palpitations, and the other two for my left breast and fear of Breast Cancer. I have an echo-cardiogram on Thursday which will hopefully rule anything bad happening with my heart out, so I can finally stop worrying so much. Regarding my left breast feeling bigger, harder, and more pressurised than my right, I have to go back in two weeks time to see if it is hormone related, as no lumps were found, and my lymph nodes were fine.
Just these two health worries alone have nearly mentally driven me to the end emotionally, and are also upsetting my family a lot by their seeing me in such a constant state of fear.
I currently have a pain in my left neck lymph node area which I am convinced means a cancer has spread from my breast, and is moving up and around my body. My anxiety is so irrational, yet it is still destroying my life.
I would love to hear from anyone about how to cope, or rationalise my thoughts and fears? I am so tired of living life scared of something I am making real in my mind, and thankfully not in reality.
Any responses would be much appreciated.