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Thread: Echocardiogram

  1. #1



    I am having an echocardiogram done tomorrow morning, as my Doctor found a heart murmur during my last check-up which he just wants checked out - even though he is not too worried about it. The same can't be said for me, as I suffer with palpitations a lot, but I am trying my hardest to listen to what he is telling me.

    However, I am a little freaked out about the procedure, so was wondering if there was anyone who knows what happens during and echo, or any personal experiences which could help me with my nerves a little. What happens during one? Do the Doctors talk you through what they find or don't find there and then? Etc.

    Many thanks!

  2. #2

    Re: Echocardiogram

    Hi there

    I'm sorry you're having to have this done, although at least your doctor doesn't seem to be too worried which is always a good sign

    My mum had a heart attack three years ago and is a classic worrier (mostl likely where I've got my worrying woes from) but anyway, she'd had countless ECGS and she said they've been fine and painless and nothing to worry about. She actually had one here at home the night she was having her heart attack and she seemed totally fine with it, considering she's a very panicky person like myself it surprised me!

    I hope everything is all okay and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, let us know how it goes

    ---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

    and I should also say yes, the times my mum has had an ECG they've told her directly after so there is no horrible wait xxxx

  3. #3

    Re: Echocardiogram


    Thank you so much for your response - it means a lot.

    I am a little relieved to read that it sounds quite quick, although an ultrasound of the heart, to me, sounds extremely scary and I am looking forward to getting it out of the way as fast as possible for sanity's sake.

    I am sorry to hear about your mother, and hope she is doing well now.

    Thank you again for your reply. I will let you know when I know how it went

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Echocardiogram

    I've had several and it's like a sonogram a pregnant woman gets. They put some gel on you and pass the magic wand over your chest. Other than the gel being a bit chilly at first , it's totally painless.

    The tech just takes the pictures and your doctor will go over the results with you. If they send you home, all is well I assure you. The fact your doctor is not worried and there's no urgency just shows he's doing his job and all will be fine.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5

    Re: Echocardiogram

    I had one a few years ago, nothing to worry about It's totally painless and whilst you may be anxious, the staff are brilliant and helping you relax as they must get anxious people all the time. If you get a really nice technician like I did, they may even give you some results right there and then which will help put your mind at ease.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Echocardiogram

    Just to make it clear that an echocardiogram and an ECG are two different tests performed on the heart.An ECG is usually taken to see if there are any signs of heart irregularities such as a heart attack (as in my case) the echo in my case was taken a few days later to see (again in my case) how the heart was now functioning and its capacity after two stents had been inserted.

  7. #7

    Re: Echocardiogram

    Hey guys! I hope all is well!

    Just a little update. I had my echocardiogram this morning, and it was actually not too scary - actually quite interesting. They basically used an ultrasound on my chest to take pictures of, and monitor, my heart valves and general functions. It took about twenty minutes, and was painless, so I was quite comfortable sitting there looking at what the screen showed, although I had absolutely no idea what the heck it was I was seeing with my heart.

    I also scheduled my breast examination today, just to get it out of the way, as having to wait nearly two weeks for the results of my echo, ALSO waiting for my next breast examination would have driven me mad. Good news from the appointment too, as the Doctor examined my breasts and nodes, and concluded that I do indeed have one slightly 'lumpier' breast (no lumps though), but that considering I have no history of breast cancer, am not on the pill, and show no signs of anything serious, that she was satisfied with my breasts just being asymmetrical and one a little fuller.

    So overall, I am feeling that today accomplished a lot, and I feel generally happier about things too.

    Thank you guys for your support, and I hope you're all doing well!

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