About a month ago I passed a pretty hard stool which was painful and after wiping I noticed a bit of blood. I butt hurt for a week or so after that event but I didn't worry about it.

Fast forwarding to present day mostly every stool has been kind of painful with some blood when wiping.

Today though I passed another tough painful stool and there was so much blood it put me in a panick. There was enough blood to stain the toilet bowl red and when wiping the toilet paper was almost all blood.w

I am very nervous as this problem doesn't seem to want to go away. I don't know what is wrong and I want to say logically it is hemmoroids but another part of me wants to say it's a bit more serious. It is bright blood and not dark or anything.

I'm 19 and a recovering health anxiety sufferer but events like this seems to put me back into panic