Hi I'm suffering from anxiety and has left me with many problems and has my life has changed from been brilliant to been horrible in a blink of an eye.

--I find it really hard to make eye contact.

--I misout on special occasions because i hate been in front of people.

--I have lost alot of my mates because i barely go out and have turned very shy.

---I have lost my confidence in talking full stop so i haven't had a girlfriend in a while.

---I feel i can't get close to people because the anxiety is in between it.

---I daresn't do things incase i make a mistake.

--I always think am doin something wrong when am probably not.

--my mood changes all the time.

--I sometimes feel suicidal.

--I always think people are talking about me or judging me.

--my feelings feel trapped and i want to let go of them but they stick like glue.

--I just want to get on with my life but the anxiety won't allow me

--I always think i am making other people feel awkward too and that people try and avoid me

Anyone feel the same pls post back