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Thread: Weight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Im really battling with my low mood partly because of my weight at the moment.

    It seems that the Quetiapine that I take for stability of my BiPolar and anxiety can increase appetite and since being on a recovery I have put on 20 kgs :/ my weight rising from 98 to 118 kg

    I have never been slim but my gut hang etc is really getting to me, Im trying many things to cut my snacking but with lower mood it means that I also comfort eat a bit ...............

    Im trying to replace 'junk' snacks with stuff like rice cakes & fruit which is partly working but rice cakes taste like cardboard !!!!

    any thoughts?
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Weight

    Try and keep an eye on the snacks, and I'd advise having an understanding of calories, if you try and add up all that you eat in a day and make sure that it comes in under 2000. You'll quickly find where you've gone wrong, a slice of bread is 100 as is a single biscuit. To keep full you'll find yourself heading towards healthier food or just not eating a lot. Best of luck buddy
    comparison is the thief of joy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Weight

    Not easy when the meds you are taking increases your appetite plus you comfort eat a bit do you have any control over that? I used to be around 15 stone some years ago totally unhappy etc and that why I comfort ate big time my meals were big and I mean BIG. That's quite bit extra you have gained around 3 stone and it's not just about how you will look it's about your physical health too. Yuk rice cakes tried them a couple of times nah cardboard is a very good description Ha ha You could try Walkers Crisp Bakes oh nice these are look like crisps but not fried but oven baked and a nice flavour too Brown bread if possible and actually I prefer it now to white Do you like chips? I love them So about 12 months ago found some and every Nutritional amount shown was Green, Yes Green Suagrs Green, Salt Green the whole lot is good to goTastes good too, not thin and not over chunky either Baked Beans are a known fat burner too I eat lots of them, Cottage cheese is ok too but a couple of Orange labels on it but some also green and that's with Chives in too. I also have stopped using sugar in my tea and coffee to replaced by a Canderal type of sweetener from Aldi much cheaper than Canderal but just as good it's not bitter tasting far from it and 100 Grms of Sugar contains exactly that 100Grms :eeK: Where the alternatives are around 5 Grms of sugar per 100Grms of product so a tea spoon is less than <0.05 Grm of sugar Yay Fruit and Veg is important too! Don't let things get any worse and talk to your dr about your meds and see if there are alternatives that don't have a weight gain side effect! Good Luck Cheers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Weight

    Regardless of meds, it comes down to self control. What can anyone say that wouldn't require that?

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5

    Re: Weight

    Do you think the medicines you are taking is cause of your appetite? Did you recently visit your doctor about it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Weight

    Many people have issues with weight gain when it comes to the likes of antidepressants, myself included. When I first started taking Prozac years ago I was like 175ish lbs. (Sorry, am American). I rather quickly ballooned up and topped off at 220ish lbs. That was over years. It was a combination of muscle and fat - I won't lie - but not as much initially. I remember not exercising as much and the scale still going up, even without my diet changing much at all! I am not sure why some antidepressants cause such substantial weight gain, but it's definitely a problem many others have had, so rest assure that you're not alone in this battle.

    Luckily before I started going on antidepressants I became a Certified Fitness Trainer and was able to help use my knowledge and education to help me minimize fat gain. Here is some advice I have for you:

    1.) Eat foods that are low in calories but are filling. Calorically dense foods like chocolate offer no-to-limited nutrition and isn't filling. But lettuce and other vegetables are very low on a caloric level, are nutrient dense and may help make you feel better with the aforementioned nutrients. Fill up with this stuff (a small amount of low fat dressing isn't horrendous for some taste, either).

    2.) Engage in adequate and proper exercise. The American Heart Association wants 30 minutes three times a week last time I read. I suggest a combination of strength training and aerobic activity, but I'd highly suggest the strength training because more muscle means a higher metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is increased for ~24 hours post strength training as well, whereas with aerobic activity you don't have the same "afterburn" effect.

    3.) Drink water! Many people get feelings of hunger and are just thirsty. Water is your best and healthiest bet for hydration. Stay away from soda, sugary juices, etc. Green Tea is also an excellent beverage.

    4.) Some medications just have that side effect. I can't see the original message, but if you're on an antidepressant I suggest seeking an alternative antidepressant. Some of the newer medications have less weight gain associated with them. I am on on Trintellix now and I've been able to actually lose weight in conjunction with proper diet and exercise. Even now after having wrist surgery, which minimizes the types of exercises that I can do (sadly), I've been able to lose over 10 lbs. within the past month or so.

    Hopefully these tips are beneficial in helping you manage your weight. I know it is tough, especially when it feels like you're spiraling out of control, but these may help.

    I write for a blog also called where I write about tips for fitness gauged for people with anxiety and mental health issues. Check it out and sub if you'd like!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Weight

    Raw and vegan diet helped me a lot!

  8. #8

    Re: Weight


    I can tottaly understand the situation you are in but i think the fact that you want to lose weight is the start.

    I ended up putting on a couple of stone while on Antidepressants and then a bit more after coming off of them. No matter what i tried i just couldnt shift it so i ended up going to Slimming world.

    I've always been quite slim and never had experience of a weight lose club so was a bit apprehensive about going. But i must say that it has really helped and the people there are so nice. I think with everyone being on the same weight lose journey means that there isnt anyone judging you. Its quite the opposite and its nice to have that support. So far i have lost about a stone and a half and feel so much better for it.

    The hardest part for me was actually going and signing up but i dont reget it one bit.

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