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Thread: Heartrate has dropped unusually

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Heartrate has dropped unusually

    Another heart concern poster!

    For months now since I've had my anxiety come back and be really bad (though was improving recently) I have periods on and off when I am very aware of my heartbeat, to the point it keeps me up at night. I always check it to reassure myself as I've had a situation a couple of years back where my heart rate went up above 200 and I was taken by ambulance to hospital. It settled on its owm.

    Anyway, my usual resting heartbeat is in the mid 80s, probably a mixture of anxiety and thyroid issues. So when I check it if it's below 100 (it always is) then I know I'm fine.

    On wednesday night I woke feeling very strange, heart felt like it was pounding but it was only going at 80 or maybe a bit less. This NEVER happens! I went to the GP and she checked everything and wasn't concerned. My heartrate was 83. Now, it's NEVER been that low at the GP, usually it's in the early 90s.

    The last couple of days my anxiety is even worse and my heartrate feels like it's really struggling along and when I check it's as low as 74.

    Of course this is a bit freaky to have such a drastic change and I'm feeling so completely out of it, spaced out, numb all over.

    I guess my questions are:

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    What on earth could cause such a drastic reduction?

    I'm scared :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Heartrate has dropped unusually

    I have to check my BP and HR per my cardiologist. Just as a comparison and for perspective, tonight it was 125/73 and a 67bpm resting heart rate. Excellent I'd say So a reduction from the 90's to the 80's isn't "drastic" IMO and actually an improvement on what would be considered a high heart rate by most standards.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Heartrate has dropped unusually

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    I have to check my BP and HR per my cardiologist. Just as a comparison and for perspective, tonight it was 125/73 and a 67bpm resting heart rate. Excellent I'd say So a reduction from the 90's to the 80's isn't "drastic" IMO and actually an improvement on what would be considered a high heart rate by most standards.

    Positive thoughts
    Thanks Fish, I just don't know why it's happened so suddenly and coincided with me feeling so ill?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Heartrate has dropped unusually

    Just reporting in in case anyone else reads this as they are experiencing something similar.

    My heart is still feeling 'strange' but it's still beating!

    The rate is still very low for me but I'm still here after a night with only a few minutes sleep as was too scared to sleep as thought I might just stop breathing.

    I googled (I know, I know) and it seems anxiety can actually cause a reduction in heart rate when you are super tired.

    Before this started last Wednesday night I had been doing a lot more exercise than usual so I was pretty tired and, of course, now I haven't slept much at all for several days I'm even more fatigued.

    So, maybe if I can calm this anxiety and get some rest things will return to 'normal', though nothing has been normal for me for a few months now.

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