I struggle with general anxiety and hypochondria and as I get older I think I might have social anxiety too. I have a few close friends, who I'm grateful for, but they all have their own groups and they can't hang out with me all the time. Sometimes I feel really clingy and like I'm relying too much on them. But I'm becoming more and more reluctant to meet new people. Spending time with people I don't know well is just exhausting and doesn't seem worth the effort. It's even worse during the winter, when my Seasonal depression hits.

It carries over to dating too. I didn't care much about being single through most of my 20s. But now I'm 27 and have never been in a relationship or dated much at all, and I feel like a freak for it. My embarrassment over lack of experience, and my anxiety about meeting anyone new, continues to keep me from getting into a relationship. Yes, I've even turned down dates because of it, so I have no one to blame but myself.
Besides, when I think about having to spend all my time with one person, it sounds horrible. I really like my alone time, maybe I'm just not built for a relationship...pretty sure no one wants someone with my issues anyway.

I guess these feelings are pretty common for someone with anxiety, I just wanted to vent, and see if anyone else feels like this. I really do feel like a social freak sometimes.