I've been on Prozac for many months, gradually increasing the dose every 2-4 weeks. I am now up to 60mg. I still don't feel like it's working for me and my anxiety feels worse than before I began Prozac. However, I don't know if the worsening anxiety is a result of some anxiety-provoking changes in my life over the past 6 months or Prozac is making it worse. My pdoc thinks my increasing anxiety is a sign I need more of the Prozac (hence we have been increasing it).

I went up from 50mg to 60mg about a month ago and in a few days started to experience shaking in my arms and legs. Despite the anxiety, I never experienced this before. I have tried to wait it out, but it hasn't gotten better after a month so I went to the pdoc.

My pdoc is convinced I am still not on enough Prozac to help my anxiety and should go to 70mg. He agrees the shaking might be a side effect and feels I should taper back down to 50mg and increase more slowly to 60mg and then 70mg.

My concern is whether I should follow this plan or if it might be time to give up on the Prozac. I have not felt even an ounce better in the months I have been taking it. I do agree that life circumstances could be to blame for worsening anxiety, but should I feel even a little better by now if it's going to work? Should I push for a medication switch?