I've been on and off Prozac for years. It's basically the only SSRI that has been a constant staple basically and one that I feel comfortable taking. I had just started back up and had been on for maybe a month and noticed my heart rate was low. At rest in bed before I fall asleep it's usually around 45-55 bpm. I recently had a doctors appointment and mentioned the low heart rate and he said unless I'm passing out than not to worry. I had a stress test done about 4 years ago for a suspected murmur but everything was fine. I feel I need to be on something because at the moment it's like I'm teetering on the edge. Hypochondria and OCD are my main culprits amongst other problems. I feel if I were exercising and my stress was lower(in the middle of opening a business) that I might not have to be on it. But that's not the case so I can't dwell on that. I guess I'm just worried about it affecting my heart and BPM. I was a traveling soccer player for 5 years and played for 9 or 10 and after highshool was big into weightlifting and some cardio.