Although I don't officially have OCD, I have a lot of OCD-like symptoms and check that gates and doors are closed over and over again before I can leave anywhere.

I had checked and re-checked that a door was shut before I left the stables, was happy that it was and was about to leave to go home, when someone said to me

"how do you know that I won't just open it again once you've gone?"

She is aware of the problems that I have, and knows what it's like. But this really, really freaked me and I had to wait until she'd finished before I felt I could go. Although I am 99% certain that she wouldn't leave anything open for the sake of it, now that she's said it it's really panicking me. I'm thinking of having to stay there until really late after she's gone so I can make sure that everything's shut, whereas before I trusted her to do it.

What should I do?