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Thread: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    This should be a sticky!... same with the ALS thread...

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    If this thread can help someone then sticky would be good! Same for the ALS thread, quite a lot down that rabbit hole too!
    Current meds:

    Pregabalin 300mg

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    Lymph nodes seems to be the center of attention at the moment, because the internet makes them seem so sinister. I'm also a lymph node worries, so I know first hand how these people feel. It comes to a point where you start separating facts from fiction and you start focusing on the what ifs and that alone can take over your whole life, I don't think a hour passes where I don't think of my nodes and cancer. I lost my insurance after leaving my job and that's another thing I worry about, I think of if the doctors did ever diagnose me with something serious how could I ever afford to treat it. Palpable lymph nodes rarely indicate cancer, that's why doctors don't freak out when you show up with a few palpable nodes, now if you showed up with a golf ball sized lump on your neck im sure you would notice the concern from the doctors. It's hard to rationalize when anxiety had such a tight grip on your life, for example I can feel my nodes very easily in my neck to me they feel scary but when the doctor feels my neck it takes them a feel seconds to locate the nodes, but if you had cancerous nodes and they have been there for the past 6 months it'd be obvious that those nodes are something other than normal they would likely be protruding from your neck as if you had a plum under the skin or even a golf ball. But again the anxiety speaks for our brain and anxiety will never be rational so until people can overcome their anxiety they will never overcome the lymph node obsession or any other fear for that matter. Health anxiety is a nightmare and I just wish there was one simple to solution to stop it in it's tracks. I went to the DMV to get my license renewed and there was a guy in mind beside me who had a big lump above his collarbone he was in his early twenties but I didn't want to say anything but a conversation started up with the woman behind him in line and I heard him say he was diagnosed with cancer he said he started feeling really bad like having the flu and he said it never went away and he seen a doctor who examined his lump and other symptoms and later received his diagnoses, so my point is, cancer isn't very quite or easy going, over time sometimes a few weeksbto a couple of months you will know something is wrong, just like him you will feel sick and your lumps would continue to grow and get big, his lump looked like he half of a golf ball lodged in his neck.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelegend27 View Post
    Lymph nodes seems to be the center of attention at the moment, because the internet makes them seem so sinister. I'm also a lymph node worries, so I know first hand how these people feel. It comes to a point where you start separating facts from fiction and you start focusing on the what ifs and that alone can take over your whole life, I don't think a hour passes where I don't think of my nodes and cancer. I lost my insurance after leaving my job and that's another thing I worry about, I think of if the doctors did ever diagnose me with something serious how could I ever afford to treat it. Palpable lymph nodes rarely indicate cancer, that's why doctors don't freak out when you show up with a few palpable nodes, now if you showed up with a golf ball sized lump on your neck im sure you would notice the concern from the doctors. It's hard to rationalize when anxiety had such a tight grip on your life, for example I can feel my nodes very easily in my neck to me they feel scary but when the doctor feels my neck it takes them a feel seconds to locate the nodes, but if you had cancerous nodes and they have been there for the past 6 months it'd be obvious that those nodes are something other than normal they would likely be protruding from your neck as if you had a plum under the skin or even a golf ball. But again the anxiety speaks for our brain and anxiety will never be rational so until people can overcome their anxiety they will never overcome the lymph node obsession or any other fear for that matter. Health anxiety is a nightmare and I just wish there was one simple to solution to stop it in it's tracks. I went to the DMV to get my license renewed and there was a guy in mind beside me who had a big lump above his collarbone he was in his early twenties but I didn't want to say anything but a conversation started up with the woman behind him in line and I heard him say he was diagnosed with cancer he said he started feeling really bad like having the flu and he said it never went away and he seen a doctor who examined his lump and other symptoms and later received his diagnoses, so my point is, cancer isn't very quite or easy going, over time sometimes a few weeksbto a couple of months you will know something is wrong, just like him you will feel sick and your lumps would continue to grow and get big, his lump looked like he half of a golf ball lodged in his neck.
    Believe me, Dr Google has assured me, 100%, MANY times, that I have cancer.
    It is just not so.
    Trust real doctors, not the internet!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    Bumping this up for a while since the lymph node fear topics are still flowing in!
    Current meds:

    Pregabalin 300mg

  6. #16

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    This Is a Great Post! This should Be a sticky! More People need to see this.

  7. #17

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    Thanks so much. I really needed to read this at this precise moment. I found a swollen node behind my ear about five months ago, got it looked at, and the doctor very kindly (after hearing I had anxiety) offered me a blood test for white blood count etc. to make sure ... It came back absolutely normal. And now I've convinced myself that it might have been a misdiagnosis. And found two more of what I believe are swollen lymph nodes recently.

    I'll get them checked out but I need to stop feeling so helpless to my anxiety gremlins. This post helped me. Thank you.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    This thread has really helped me! I suffer with the fear of lymph nodes, I had a lymph node in the side of my neck the size of a pin head probably and my head convinced me it was bigger, like 2cm lol, I do have some under my jaw now and everyone else says they feel normal due to the fact I'm fighting infections, but my head tells me Its the size of a golf ball! Blah, im really starting to see how evil health anxiety is, but I was wondering why we worry so much about glands? I mean I've always been told lymphoma is easily treatable, I might be wrong, but it says that on most the websites. So why we worry so much is beyond even myself? I also wonder why we have to keep checking, if you have a sore throat I don't keep looking at it in the mirror so why do I feel the need to feel my glands 80 times a day!!!

    Amazing post and will help so many people! Needs to be a sticky!
    And fishmanpa you need a medal for replying too all the lymph node posts

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!


    I'm seeing a fair number of lymph node threads on the HA forum again. Hopefully this is useful to someone.
    Current meds:

    Pregabalin 300mg

  10. #20

    Re: If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!

    Hello, please can someone help me.
    I started with an enlarged node behind my ear (I say enlarged it is 0.5cm) it has slightly shrunk from when I first found it 6 weeks ago.
    I had blood tests done 3 weeks ago they were All clear. My cell count lymphocytes everything fine levels. However my health anxiety has taken over I have found 4 more nodes on my neck and lumps on my head I am finding them everywhere even thought I found some in my elbows. The one son my neck feel very mobile they slip around and are like small beans under my skin none of which you can see only can feel them when touching my neck. I have been to 4 doctors at my local surgery who have all said I do not have cancer and have given me anti depressants and beta blockers to help the anxiety.
    Should I be worried about the nodes I've also found or is it normal to feel them the drs have all felt around and not mentioned more even tho the one I can feel on my right side of my neck moves around loads and it's about 2cm I don't know if it's a node I think it is but it's been that size for around 4 weeks so even before my blood tests.

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